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Alexia's POV
"Am back." my husband Announced.

"Did you find my daughter? or am not opening this door." I asked by the door.

"Listen Alexia okay?" he started.

"You're lucky Oliver is around, this would have gone real ugly. Go open the door," I commanded waiting for him to come in.

"Alexia please let me explain then you'll know why I did it." he came in explaining already.

"Slapping my daughter, my only daughter?" I panicked.

"You mean two daughters Mrs Parker?" Oliver corrected.

"Thanks, but its miss Alexia until he brings my daughter," I declared, I should have known his anger would somehow affect us in the future, I never thought it'll affect my children now I have to pay for it.

"She'll be fine Ally okay?" he called
Me by my nickname coming close to me, he knows I always fall sweet for that.

"Then where is she?" I asked.

"I checked her boyfriend's house and she wasn't there even Harry and also Kira." he said looking down.

"Of course she wouldn't be at Kira's house. Now great you just told her our kid is missing." I sounded pissed.

"We'll find her, she just needs some free time to herself she'll come back." he added, of course expecting everything to fall right back at his feet.

"You better hope so, now tell me why did you slap her?" I asked curiously.

"There were just so many things, did you even know your so call daughter failed her history test and had a retake and we didn't know about this?" he announced.

"Still doesn't mean you raise your hand on her, did you drink before coming back here, Brad have you started drinking?" I suddenly got scared we can't have him back to old Brad again, cause then that'll explain everything, and if he is then this is it I just can't.

"No I don't know am okay alright." He lied I could sense it.

"Excuse but can I go to my room now?" Oliver who has been standing there asked, I needed company for a while and Tyler claimed to be busy.

"Yeah check the twins on your way," I told him.

And he walked back upstairs to Tyler's room.

"How did it go?" Tyler asked.

"They're just talking so how's Jessica doing?" Olly asked.

"She's alright have to find those dudes." he made a fist.

"Well am going to bed now hope Jordan's okay?"

"Yeah she will be we'll go see her." he smiled at me.

Jordan's POV
"Thanks Zoey for coming to stay with me, I couldn't drag Nicole well cause, my dad will eventually find me if she's not around." I was explaining to Zoey the new girl.

"Yeah its nothing and plus we'll get to know each other even more.'' she smiled.

"Maybe tomorrow cause right now all I wanna do is sleep." I told her.

"Sure but wait, why did you run away from home?" She asked curiously.

"My dad was all up in my business, I had to run." I simply said. "Hope your parents are cool with you being here?" I asked.

"Well they know I was suppose to be at a sleepover so yeah." She smiled.

'Lucky you.'

"Cool." I simply said.

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