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Jordan's POV
Its Friday today so excited, you know why? cause tomorrow is gonna be Saturday meaning no school and best part no parents nice.

"Are you guys ready? let's go.'' I called out to the twins.

"Why are you so happy, this is strange you're ready before us its usually your thing," Molly mocked.

"Let's just go, is Tyler home By the Way?" I asked fixing my hair by the mirror.

"No he went out yesterday later in the night, didn't he tell you?" Molly said to me as we headed to the garage.

"No Molly he didn't, where could he have gone? this is so not like him." I said rolling my tongue, it's something I do when am thinking flashing my car keys around and since when did Molly know things than me.

"Why do you have your car keys? mom said no car for a month," Molly suddenly noticed and am glad she did.

"Mom said no car for a month," I mocked her back with her voice. "let me be crazy plus Tyler spoke to her and I have my car back so in your face." I twirled them around they really bring out the kid in me.

"Bleeeh," she brought out her tongue at me obviously sad I won this round.

"Just get in already where's Mike by the way? wasn't he here a moment ago." I suddenly looked around confused, now that I think about it he wasn't around actually.

"He went to get a better sister." Molly said under her breath.

"What was that?" I asked daring her to repeat herself.

"I said he went to go get his backpack." she lied I simply ignored her just excited probably had something to do with Darnel I really can't tell.

"Jordan baby." Ali and kate walked up to me here it goes let the faking begin.

"Hey Ali, hey Kate." I said being all fake giving them both a peck on the cheek on both sides.

"So I'm having a party this weekend," Kate announced.

'Do I look like I care?'

"Actually I am." Ali smiled.

"Shut up Ali," she turn to her friend before facing me. "I was wondering if you could make it," Okay hold up this is definitely a trap since when are they this friendly.

"Yeah?" I said frowning.

"And also help me give this to Harry," she hands me the invitation, of course there's the catch.

"Why can't you do it?" I asked trying to pull this along.

"Ali is shy, am not though but just help." she whined holding her books to her chest. 

"Yeah why not." I replied rolling my eyes at them before turning to my locker.

"See you during practice, hope you don't fall again just kidding." They laughed walking off God I can't stand those two, we used to be friends until Kate influence Ali and, now they're the school most gossip girls.

It's Always gossiping with those two, getting into peoples business and Lying, all that and Kira still hangs out with them. Unbelievable but who am I to judge, we all make our choices right.

I was still trying to recollect my thoughts when I felt a light tap on my shoulder, I turned but no one was there probably imagined it I turn back to my locker when I felt it again, okay am I losing it.

"Okay its not funny who is it?" I said sounding pissed.

"Guess?" I heard a familiar voice.

"NICOLE!" I yelled jumping all over her.

The Perfect SituationTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang