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Jordan's POV
"We're moving! WHY?" I screamed I was so confused could this really be happening right now like now.

"Well the deal I was going for it worked and we're getting a New York office, and I've decided the family moves there, how does that sound?" my dad kept saying New York like it's some kind of good thing, can he be less excited about this at least.

"Uhmm terrible, no way mom say something Tyler?" I turned to my mom and then Tyler, I had to say something right?

"Don't look at me, I go to college am not moving." he gave me a smirk he must be happy am this deranged.

"Molly? Mike?" I turned to the twins hopelessly that's how far I wanted to go.

"New York seems nice right Molly?" Mike smiled at his twin.

"No Mike, dad please tell me your joking please?" Molly whined.

"No am not, pack your bags tonight we'll be living tomorrow after school after you've said your goodbyes." He simply announced, not even looking at our puzzled faces, he headed upstairs.

"Mom say something?" I started biting my lips anxiously.

"It'll be fun honey, think about it okay Brad?" she called out to my dad heading to the room too.

I can't believe it, I don't even want to believe it, I know things are not so great but I can't just leave and what about Olly, we can't just leave him, he'll have to move too, or worst find a new host family and forget about me.

"Earth to Jordan, Jordan?  family meeting now my room," Tyler tapped me cutting me off my thoughts.

"We can't move right? Jackson just asked me out.'' Molly announced the moment we were in Tyler's room.

"He did? nice." Tyler smiled at her giving her a high five.

"Whatever, what about Olly and my friends?" I inquired bitting my nails.

"Yeah I don't know what to say but, I felt left out so what am I gonna miss?" Mike said clueless.

"Am over eighteen so I don't have to move see you guys during the holidays." Tyler tried joking but it didn't work rather it was making me angrier.

"Great I'll stay with you, do you have an apartment anyway?" Molly asked immediately, she's really funny she really thinks they'll let her stay back and not me.

"What no! no way! if I did you'll know." he said scratching his head awkwardly.

"He's lying." I simply stated.

"Obviously." She added.

"Well that's all, good night go to your room let's just sleep on it." he suddenly stood up pointing to the door.

"Rude no wait." Molly dragged me back and we immediately started arguing over each other.

"We can't just leave." She said to me worried.

"I just want to participate." Mike added.

"Well Tyler?" I also protested but he simply ignored us.

"Byeeeeee." he smiled at us before closing his door at our faces.

"WEIRDO." I yelled.

"So he just drop that bomb like that, no warning?" Nicole asked a bit confused.

"You damn right he did, I'm not going anywhere am staying here with you guys." I replied hopefully looking down at my feet.

"Have you told Harry and Darnel about it?" She asked.

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