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Darnel's POV
"Can you believe Jordan she totally blew me off yesterday because of Olly and today she was acting like nothing happened." I kept going on about to Harry I was so upset, that my anger got the best of me today.

"Really bro did she tell you that because, that was Harsh mehn, you screamed at her in front of the whole school, you could have waited for an explanation," he added.

"No way, I mean I was even cool about it but today, I came to Say hi but nope she was talking about Olly on and on." I still stand true to my words.

"Where is he you son of a... God, why would you do that do you know where Jordan is now?" my sister came in the gym dropping her bag at my face.

"Chill sis, am sure she's fine okay so don't bother me." I ignored her tantrum.

"No! you are gonna go and apologise to her and, accept her dance posal okay?" she commanded.

'Do I look defenseless or what.'

"Too late doll, he's going with Kira she asked him on his way out and he agreed can you believe?" Harry blurted out in front of Nicole.

"God! boys are stupid, Kira seriously bro, of all the girls out there, Jordan's gonna die and how about you huh? going with zoey ughh am out and don't think of coming home today, without fixing things." she stood with her hands at akimbo, I wasn't listening at this point honestly.

"You don't own me okay, Come on Harry let's go." I tapped harry.

"Nah I'm meeting Zoey at her house, she has a surprise for  me so see yha later." he told me, before I walk out behind him, leaving Nicole standing there, I need to take a walk and clear my head.

I ended up walking home alone but, I still feel pretty bad for Jordan, I shouldn't have gone there the park we met the night she was acting weird, but I can't help it I think better there and now I can't get her out of my head, maybe I was too harsh, I'm going over there sadly I can't Go to the dance with her why did I accept Kira posal anyway? I just acted out of my pride and anger, now how will I even face her with that.

"Hey Darnel, baby wait up." I heard a familiar voice from behind.

"What do you want Kira?" I turned to her disgusted by her mere sight.

"Is that anyway to talk to your girlfriend Come on, show me some love." she hugged me before I immediately pushed her off.

"We're not dating and you know that, we're just going to the dance plus, it was a mistake anyway so bye am leaving." I walked away shrugging her off.

"Lemme walk you home baby, I really want to," she still followed me.

"Fine follow me to Jordan's house then?" I turned to her knowing that statement was the last thing, she wanted to hear.

"Eww no, rather eat bugs am out see you in school boyfriend." she gave me a back hug before going off.

"No, we are not dating." I shake my fist in the air, I know it looked crazy but that girl was driving me nuts.

Jordan's POV
"Olly you, you're here where were you? I missed you in school why didn't you come?" I gave him a hug I don't know why but I felt a sense of calmness when I saw him before letting go.

"I was with Tyler, decided to stay with Jessica so, what's wrong? why are you crying? it's Kira right I'm so gonna end her." he said sounding pissed it actually looked weird on him.

"Lol no Olly, this time it wasn't her, it was Darnel he broke up with me." I said tearing up again.

"Darnel jeez Louise on cheese, did I say that right?" He looked at me.

"Yeah kinda." I smiled he actually tried cheering me up and it worked

"He did this, am so gonna get him, why does he keep hurting you and what did you do?" He asked.

"I left school, I was too sad to face anyone and he didn't accept my dance Posal also," I told him.

"Dance when's that?" he looked baffled.

"They announced it today, after exams I guess and the girls ask the boys, I did and he embarrassed me in front of the whole school." I busted into tears the more and he pulled me even closer to him.

"Really he's a jerk but, don't worry am here for you."

"Thanks Olly you're the best." I was finally feeling better just then
I got a message from Zoey and he helped me read it.

Hey did you hear? Kira's going to the dance with Darnel, he accepted and they're dating apparently, I'll come over later stay strong.❤

I immediately started crying again, he seriously hates me now, that he's even dating Kira, Olly noticed and pulled me in closer and tighter, I felt really safe and warm, I didn't want him to let go then I got a crazy idea.

"Olly wanna go to the dance with me?" I asked immediately.

"Sure I'll love too." he smiled at me, "Cool! hey you know what, let's go shopping am sure I'll cheer you up." he then added, he so knows me.

"Not now Olly, am still down let's discuss a movie rather," I suddenly changed the topic, looking sad.

"You know what?" He asks me suddenly.

"Yeah.'' I answered teary.

"You have the most beautiful eyes and it always light up anytime you smile, can you do that?" he complimented using his hands to move my hair from my face I couldn't help but smile.

"Thanks Olly." I hugged him back this time.

Darnel's POV
"Hey Tyler is Jordan home?" I got there minutes later, meeting Tyler by the door.

"Oh hey, she's up in her room with Olly, she's been crying do you know what happened to her?" He asked me.

"Nah but well I'll go check up on her." I lied.

I was going up stairs when I noticed her door open and Tyler did say Olly was there, I was about to go in when I saw her and Olly, she was in his arms this close, so I was right.

"Jordy how could you?" I simply let out, is bad enough I suspected it but she just proved me right.

"Darnel when did you get here its not what you think, I'll explain," she tried explaining as always, trying to play innocent but not today.

"Actually it is, don't explain anything to him, he doesn't deserve you if all he does is misunderstand things." Olly stood up to me, wow that's rich.

"You better stay out of this French boy, its none of your business." I walk up to him and push him.

"Actually it is, I live here so I have every right, just leave before I throw you out." he walked up to me closer, he's really looking for a fight I see.

"Please its not so, out of my way." I pushed him out of the way and went over to Jordan.

"Well explain?" I asked her.

"I don't think so," Olly came forward again pushing me to the ground, I just can't with this guy today, he's really out to get me.

"Not again, Olly stop it." I heard Jordan saying, he was on top of me now hitting me hard, pushing him off of me I went over to Jordan, I didn't come here to fight but he obviously did and I can tell this was personal, I didn't even bother struggling at this point.

"I'm not gonna fight him am out." I faced her before brushing him off I walked out.

''It's for the best okay I'm here for you." I could hear him say on my way out.

"No leave me I want to be alone get out." she banged the door pushing him out.

"I did what was best for you."

"So who asked you, you're not allowed to decide for me just LEAVE." She yelled.

"I know you're mad, I'll come back later just think about it." he still stood there.


My life is officially over 😭😭😭

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