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Jordan's POV
"Why did you come here?" she growled at me cleaning the tears off her face but I already saw them, I don't know why I came actually but I felt like it was time we talk.

"Come on you know me and you can never be separated, even though you tried to I still care about you." I smiled at her hoping she warms up to me.

"But I was so mean to you, I even tried to kill you and turns out he was a jerk who doesn't deserve me," she felt like sinking in squeezing onto her pillow.

"You say that but you're still crying just stop it cause, I didn't come here to see you cry." I faced her sitting by her bed and she didn't move.

"You really are the better version of me, aren't you?" she confessed and I couldn't help but wonder why she said that.

"What do you mean by that?" I wanted to hold her and tell her everything was alright but baby steps.

"It's nothing, I've been terrible to you I don't deserve this," She stands up from the bed abruptly.

"Not again, am not giving up this time what's wrong with you, talk to me." I went over to her but she simply pulled me in for a hug crying her eyes out.

"Do you think it can be the way it use to be?" she asks me with hope in her voice. "I think I need help."

"Hey am here for you." I assure trying to calm her down.

"What about Olly, heard you two are going to the dance?" she asked.

"Yeah he dropped me off at your house, he's outside in the car, what do you say, we go get some Ice cream and pizza?" I suggested.

"One question?" she looked serious letting go now.

"Sure what's up?" I looked at her.

"Do you still like Darnel?'' She asked immediately, she's still thinking about that, at this point I honestly don't know what I feel for him he has been nothing but trouble.

"No way, after what he did to me and you, I think I speak for both of us when I say he's no good for either of us." I admitted not giving a straight answer yet.

"You said it," She finally smiled at me, a genuine one that I haven't seen in forever.

"That's my girl." I smiled back.

"Boy bye Darnel you are the worst." she finally said.

"Yeah honey scream to the rooftops." I encouraged.

"DARNEL YOU ARE THE WORST." she screamed letting out a giggle.

"Yeah you go girl Come on, let's go." I grabbed her hand helping her with her jacket.

So yes I made up with Kira, we are best friends again! Nicole will freak but dude she's our friend, Darnel really hurt her bad, even I was heartbroken plus, she got to see his true colours and her crush that lasted for so long is finally over, he's not that great and me, life with boys am so done with that, its time for just us girls to shine, I told Olly he can go he was surprised I was with kira but, hey she's my bestie it was bound to happen. We ordered ice cream and pizza, she ate until she was feeling better, I ended up sleeping over we had a lot to talk about.

I woke up the next morning with bunch of text messages, me and Kira both picked up our phones reading our texts out loud.

Did you know Nicole liked Harry? I didn't, I well lied and left him for her, do you think I did the right thing? please call me the moment you get this and where are you?

Bitch stop crying and help me, forget Darnel you'll get someone else, Harry insulted me we have to get revenge.
(Kira's text)

Where are you? Harry and I are together, how cool is that and you missed the dance, Olly said he doesn't know where you are am worried call me!

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