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Darnel's POV
I have been in my room since after the party yesterday, I really wanted to see Jordy since she decided to forgive me but, when I got there Kira had to stop me from going, she even threaten to kill herself if I don't stay and talk to her, later I got into the party searching for Jordan but, I just couldn't find her plus every time I turn Kira's right in front of me.

She kept disturbing me the whole night, that I got so angry and left especially when playing spin the bottle, I was so mad cause she kept touching me and all, I think Jordan noticed, cause she kept eyeing me, so I had no choice but to leave, I was in my room still thinking. should I call her Harry did tell me there's a meeting at her house but, I can't face her right now, good thing I didn't run into her in school today I was laying down counting the ceiling when I received a text from Harry.

Dude Jordan's's missing so come here as soon you get this.

What she's missing,  this can't be happening, I should hurry up and go there, I realy hope she's doing fine, wait no I can't what will I say? I avoided everyone yesterday maybe she ran because of me am staying here, I made up my mind, not to go I know I was being stupid but I couldn't help it.

Jordan's's POV
Kira comes up to me and removes the tape on my mouth and I immediately started talking.

"Run Darnel run, bye bitch," I kept saying to myself.

"Okay what are you saying, God staying here alone must have really messed with your Brain, sweetheart Darnel's not here you dummy." Kira clapped to my face snapping me out of my trance.

"What it was just a dream." I said slowly feeling Dizzy trying to come back to reality.

"Pathetic! enough with your stupid voice time to tape that mouth so shut up." Kira looked me dead in the eye, while I was catching my breath slowly.

"Help somebody anybody, AHHHHHHHH." I screamed hoping anyone would hear me but it was hopeless they tapped my mouth again and I felt something on my lip.

"Shut up you fool, don't blow my cover anyway, I'll be going home now have fun tonight, your last night," she gave Kate a wicked smirk and they left, what could she mean?

Darnel's POV
I was still in my room still thinking on what to do, I later decided on calling her, it can't be possible right so I reached for my phone and dialled her on speed dial, it rang and rang but she didn't pick, I was worried plus I can't face her siblings now, so I grabbed a coat and went out I got to her dad's office and told him what I know, he didn't even know me and was surprised how I knew him, but I did my homework, luckily he didn't ask much questions he had a tracker to track her phone so he gave it to me to find it while he goes to the police station.

I finally tracked it to the beach house yesterday, by the beach she left it there, so many missed calls,  really where could she be? that's when I sighted Tyler her brother it's now or never, so I walked up to him.

"Hey Tyler." I said to him when he opened the door.

"What's up, what brings you here, you didn't see anything right?" he looked inside before looking at me.

"Nah you good, I just found Jordan's phone here by the beach side but can't find her." I told him.

"Yeah, yo cool you should head home Olly and the rest are working on that this it'll help," he said still looking inside hardly concentrating, it's official she definitely has weird siblings. 

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