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Warning: this chapter contains violence and harm

Jordan's POV
Okay what the fuck just happened, I was so shocked by that, my whole costume is a total mess now and geez who could this be? I looked up to see the plastics standing in front of me,  with Kira all armed ready to fight.

'What more could she want?'

"what the hell what gives?" I asked standing up still soaking wet.

"For stealing Darnel bitch, why did you do that?" She came at me before I could let a word out she continued her rant. "Every time I get close to him he runs away, I tried in school no! during the party no! even when we were playing spin the bottle I tried but he just ran off leaving me." she started whining about.

"No! you mean me he ran off because he doesn't even like me too, he's just a player whose playing me," I simply explained what happened trying to get out of the water.

"Oh no you don't, you are not leaving this place at all Ali grab her hands?" she suddenly commanded before I knew it Ali jumped on me.

"What? let me go Kira, you can't do this to me am your friend," I kept struggling but my hands were held tight, I really underestimate her.

"Was my friend, we are now mortal enemies." she declared, she was acting like a different person right now I can't believe I was talking with the same Kira I knew all this years.

"Kate! Alison, do you really wanna do this? what have I ever done to you?" I turned to them hopelessly but I was already faced to the ground.

'Halloween just got scarier.'

"Let's go don't listen to her." Kira shouted at them and everything went blank.

Did my best just kidnap me or am I somewhat dreaming.

"What! where am I somebody help help anyone?" I suddenly saw a flash of light and realise I was conscious again.

"Scream all you want but, there is no going out of here." I was faced with Kira who was holding a belt on her hand standing in front of me.

"Why Kiks? why all this? Is it because of a boy? we've been friends for like forever why end it now?" I pleaded but she wasn't even listening, my head faced down I sat there hopeless.

"Bullshit I don't Even wanna hear it, you my friend? oh remember the first day we met, you dumped my head into a cake, now you steal my boyfriend I should have seen this coming though," she hit me on the mouth so hard it started bleeding.

"Excuse you, you blew out my candle, my birthday cake candle," I still fought back, "why am I even arguing with you it happened fourteen years ago let it  go." I tried to reason with her but right now I don't think am talking with the same person right now.

"Am tired of hearing her voice Kate tape her mouth?" she commanded feeling on top.

"You won't get away with this---," Kate came and put a tape over my mouth.

"Now that I can't hear that stupid voice yours I can concentrate and no one can find you, you know why well, because baby we're not in Miami anymore, we're in none of your business." she came so close to my face and spat on me.

"Actually we're in Miami but in an abandoned house near," Ali was cut off by Kira who smacked her.

"Shut up Ali, Kate get that fool under control anyway, bye bitch am off to school, you like my outfit cause Darnel will am sure and I'll be kind to check on the twins for you." She finished off grabbing her things to go.

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