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Darnel's POV
"Hey uhmm I believe am talking to  my sister, you know taking a side isn't fair Nicole hello?" I was talking to my sister who was ignoring me.

"OMG what! what!? what!? what do you want from me?" She turned to me frustrated from all my nagging.

'Jordan, what's up with her, why aren't you helping me get her back you know am innocent." I tried to guilt her into helping me.

"Well she also doesn't wanna get hurt and she just made up with Kira that's just not okay.'' she said I don't even get girls at all didn't she try to kill her I don't know a month back.

'Oh so you're playing both sides am your brother you should pick one okay?" I added, trying to make her pick a side.

"Look am on Jordan's side cause, well am a girl, I know how she feels and then am you're sister so I know you just give her time and space then try again." she advised

'The nerve.'

"I pretty sure she has had enough space okay so I'm going there now." I decided standing up to go.

"Too early plus, you won't meet her probably going to see Olly off and Come on Darnel, get yourself together."

"No am going nothing you Say is gonna stop me byeee!" I reached for my coat.

"Ah geez good luck you'll need it." she simply said.

I got into my car and drove straight to her place, I had to get this over with.

"Hello?" I kept saying but no one heard me and no one was coming to answer the door. "Hello is anyone around too quiet." I was talking before I noticed a sigh.

'Where is everyone, wait for rent, she moved, when? how? what? better call Nicole I thought.'

Hey what's up? I'm in the middle of something.

Why didn't you tell me Jordan moved?

She didn't okay, come back home and I'll explain.

You got that right a lot of explanations.

Jordan's POV
"Mom I might be home late so can Molly help me pack?" I was talking with mom.

"No need, I sent a truck and everything is already at our new place, I'll send you the address after you're done just come meet us okay?" she gave me a hug trying to make me feel ok.

'Wow so this is really happening!'

"Thanks you are the best." I tried to sound happy.

"And don't forget we're going over to grandma's for Christmas okay so tomorrow get ready?" she reminded.

"Sure alright bye see you later." I went out, I was wearing a black strapless top and my baggy sweatpants, I really didn't want to dress. I was on my way to see Olly he's finally leaving, this is so sad at least he gets to spent Christmas with his real family, I'll really miss him, his flight is almost leaving, he left while I was asleep so now am rushing to get there.

I got there hoping he wasn't on the flight yet, I looked crazy going through the airport running when I finally spotted him right by the check point.

"Olly olly?" I called out to him.

"Jordan you made it?" he gave me warm hug god does he really have to go.

"Are you kidding, of course I came won't just let you go without a proper goodbye you really meant a lot to me." I said almost tearing up, before he used his pinky to clean the tears from falling I immediately turned red.

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