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Jordan's POV
I was seated in my room after Nicky left going through movies to watch on my phone before I remembered Olly came looking for me, I should probably see what he wants.

I was heading to Olly's room when, my phone started ringing.

"Hey glad I got a hold of you, my car has a itsy bitsy problem so mind picking me up at the garage?"

"Really Tyler now? God I'll be there in the next twenty minutes."

"I might be dead by then, hurry up okay?"

"Yeah whatever bye."

I walked into Olly's room and he didn't even notice me so elegant he sat by the chair wearing a white hoodie that had an inscription saying "MAKE BELIEVE" and ripped jeans, holding his phone.

"Hey Olly got a sec?" I walked in.

"Sorry about that, the twins were fighting and I just thought you should know." He started explaining himself and I couldn't help but blush at how polite he is.

"Hey Oliver wanna go out?" I asked immediately when Tyler came to my mind.

"Sure I'll love to." he smiled awkwardly.

"Great meet me by the car, I need to go get another jacket," I said going back to my room, I went to my room and wore another jacket, I decided on a white crop hoodie and went to meet him.

We arrived minutes later to pick Tyler and let's just say the car trip was awkwardly worst than the drive there, me and Olly didn't say a word and I don't even know why and now with Tyler it got worst, more silence but it didn't start  like that.

"Who's the dude plus no way am taking the backseat. Mom and dad are gonna freak about the car what do I tell them, they're not home right?" he kept panicking when we pulled up to the garage.

"Okay scary cat first, this is Olly he's staying with us now I brought him here and yeah they're not around so you're safe." I assured focusing on the car.

"Nice to meet you Jordan's brother." Olly said to Tyler.

"Yeah whatever am not taking the backseat,'' he looked at me again.

"Come on he's a guest be nice." I signaled for him to come in already.

"Oh I see that's why you're both wearing  matching hoodies hmm, Jessica must have inspired you with our matching shades?" he teased and I couldn't help but choke on his words.

"Ew--- what no way, I didn't even notice." I defended not realizing it came out mean.

"Weirdo alert anyway, let's go already I miss the twins hah yeah right." he joked getting in back And the car was quiet again still nothing, I think Olly still isn't comfortable yet.

We arrived and Tyler went out of the car and that's when my phone rang, not again it was my message tone, so I read it.

Meet me at the saints Parker park now plan didn't work out.

What plan what did you do harry?

Just come okay bye Barbie.

"Well looks like am headed to the park you wanna come or you'll pass?" I turned to Olly who was still in the car.

"Sure." I have to say it's annoying how he's agreeing with everything I say.

We drove back to the park and I couldn't help but think what Harry did, was Darnel there again cause this days it's all they both do, setting me up.

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