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>>>>3 weeks later<<<<

Jordan's POV
"You have got to be kidding me Harry, stay away from her okay?" I warned my best friend.

"No way, she's pretty so, here's what we're gonna do, I walk up to her I talk and you just stand there laughing like I know how does he come up  with this stuff," he kept going on about this new girl who he's dying to talk to.

"Okay no, no way no flirting, just say hi, name and walk away, I'll Handle the rest and get her on my side before you know who steals her." I was explaining to him smirking.

"Still fighting, you can't keep doing this make up and yeah, speaking of making up, Darnel? why have you been avoiding him?" he suddenly zoned at me, here it goes again.

"Oh please, he ignored me through out the party so what does he want now break my heart more?" I said looking down.

'Really I thought I explained this, Kira was the cause of that plus, is that all he did, who rescued you from Kira crazy huh?" he said facing me.

"My dad told me the police found me in an Alley, so what do you mean?" I stepped back from him.

"Nothing okay." (to himself) 'Classic parents.'

"Well let's go say hi okay." he dragged me.

"Hey wait up," Harry was chasing the girl who was walking fast when she saw him.

"Harry not like that I'll handle it." I pushed him behind me.

"Hey am Jordan and, this is my friend Harry, we just saw you and we thought we come and say hi and introduce ourselves." I greeted with a smile but she was still clutching onto her books stepping back slightly.

"Yeah what she said so, hello your name is?" Harry pushed me over to talk to her, he's really trying too hard.

"Am Zoey, Zoey Hobbs and yes, I've heard of you from a friend so, please stay away from me bye nice meeting you." she rudely walked out on us fixing her glasses she left.

''Kira must be that friend Harry, you better hold me cause the next time I see her I will end her." I turned, throwing my hands in the air angrily at him.

"Oh please you know I won't get  in your way." he winked at me grabbing my hands in the air.

It has been three weeks since Kira kidnapped me but I was told I was found by the police, I was taken to the hospital because Kira poisoned me, apparently the tape had a toxic poison on it, my mom figured it out. I've been recovering and now, I usually see her in school but, we don't talk much mostly with her crew and am with mine, Darnel has been trying to get  me but I'm not falling for his tricks anymore, I still can't believe my best friend tried to kill me, my dad still doesn't know who tried to do it, and I told him to drop it, I don't want her to end up in jail, I need to talk to her and figure out what got to her, am mad but not that mad I just need time.

I arrived at school today and I was talking with Harry, there's this new girl who just started going here, and he's trying impress her, but you can see that did not go too well.

Darnel's POV
"Wait so her dad seriously didn't tell her?" I asked again just to be sure I heard him right.

"You damn right he didn't, that's why she's avoiding because she thinks you didn't care." Harry told me.

"Hey what did I walk on? what's going on?" My sister came up to us in the cafeteria.

"Hey dudes and dudette." Olly walked up to us too from behind her.

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