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Jordan's POV
I was watching  movies in my room after Kira left, I suddenly felt down even Music couldn't help I needed a break.

"Jordan come down right now," I heard my brother whining I grab a hoodie from my bed and put it over before going down.

"What? what? what?  I told you guys not to disturb." I said walking down angrily.

"Molly just came to me and told me they Haven't eaten explain?" Tyler was standing waiting for me pissed off already.

"I told them to order pizza didn't I?" I gave them the look meaning this is where you lie or I'll end you.

"Oh yes she did brother, we forgot sorry dearest sister for Lying," Molly pulled Mike's arm, God they're awful at pretending.

"Something is up anyway, am going out tonight so might be home late." He turned to me.

"Thought you were staying in?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah but something came up, just make sure the twins go to bed early and well you can do whatever you want bye." he walked away before we ask him any questions.

"Wait Tyler well he's gone." I gave up when the door closes behind him.

"So what now?" Mike turned his eyes at me.

"Yeah what he said."

"Order the pizza I gotta go bye."

"Where are you headed to?" they asked.

"None of your business, just go to bed early okay bye," I said walking up to my room to go get my phone.

"Can you believe them, they left us alone do you know what this means Mike?" Molly turns to Mike.

"You know I don't so tell me." he sighed.

"Dumb dumb means we have the whole house to ourselves." she squeaks evilly.

"Hey you? wanna hang just you and me?" I went over to Harry sending him a text to look out his window.

"Sure I'll go grab my coat," he smiled. "you're crazy you know that?" He added.

"Just get down here." I turn back to my phone.

"So we're we headed tonight even though its a bit late, am surprised you want to hang." he asked the moment he got out, honestly even I don't know why I wanted to hang but I needed a time away from that house I call a home.

"Its never late to hang out with my best Bud." I smiled biting my nails awkwardly.

"I suspect something fishy." he suddenly froze.

"Come on let's go take a walk in the park it'll be fun." I dragged him by the hand twirling around in the middle of the road, I was acting crazy and I didn't know why maybe it's because I felt free from my parents drama for one week though.

He simply followed and we arrived at Saint Parkers park I took a seat by the bench crossing my legs and he joined me not saying anything too, we both stayed silent for a while before a voice cuts us off.

"Hey," I heard a familiar voice.

"Who said that?" I turned around to face Darnel, my heart immediately skipped a beat.

"That would be me," he smiled at me looking a bit jovial.

"I called him." Harry whispered in my ear and I stood up abruptly am I being set up.

"You don't mind Jordy do you?" He added with that damned nickname he apparently gave me.

"No its fine." I quickly messaged Kira I wasn't comfortable being here with Harry the crazy prankster and my secret crush I wasn't ready for anything that leads to feels.

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