Forty Six

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"That's a stupid plan," Jimin rubs his temples.

"You're a stupid plan," Hoseok mumbles, clearly upset his plan was not accepted.

I had to agree with Jimin, it was pretty stupid. He suggested we just break into my father's, well now Luke's penthouse, and scour the place for Jungkook. That sounded just like a suicide mission to me.

"We need more information before we just break in," Jimin sighs.

"Well Ara wants him back now, and honestly I do too," Hoseok huffs. "It's the fastest."

"But the one most likely to kill us all," Namjoon points out. "Jimin's right, we do need more info."

"Better info than last time too," Jin scoffs. Taehyung glares at the older and crosses his arms over his chest.

"That'll take time," He grumbles.

"We don't have much of that," I groan. "We have no idea what Luke could be doing to him."

"We shouldn't have let him go," Taehyung shakes his head. "Even if he was dead-fuck!" He slams his fist on the table, startling everyone. "This is all your guys's fault."

"I didn't see you running after him," Jimin narrows his eyes at Taehyung. "The only one fighting was Ara."

"A lot happened last night," Namjoon puts a hand on Taehyung's shoulder. "None of us were in our right mind after anything. We all just kind of, gave up," He admits sadly. "But were getting him back, because he's our brother and we need him."

"Taehyung, go find the real floor plan and secret information about the penthouse," Yoongi waves the now youngest boy away. Taehyung glares at him but stands, stalking away to his tech room.

"He's just emotional, we all are," Namjoon sighs, looking at Yoongi.

"Exactly," Yoongi scoffs. "We're all emotional, doesn't mean he needs to be a dick and blame us all for Jungkook when he didn't do shit either."

Well, he was right.

"I'm going to go check on him," I push my chair out and stand up. Yoongi sends me a knowing look and I look away from him. I wasn't sure now was the right time to say anything to Taehyung about us. He seemed like he might go off the rails if I did.

I left the room and made my way to the basement stairs, going down them two at a time. When I reached the bottom I suddenly stopped. I realized then that my heart was pounding, and I reached up and felt it hammering in my chest.

I just know this is going to go bad.

Shaking all negative thoughts from my mind I start to move towards the end of the hall again. His door is slightly ajar, making me think he carelessly closed it.

When I'm finally right outside the door I hear silence, and that confuses me. Slowly I push open the door, expecting to see Taehyung sitting at his desk actually doing what he was told. But instead I'm greeted by an empty room.

Where was he?

A grunt from behind me makes me turn around. There's no one there, but I know the sound came from somewhere in the direction I'm facing now. And I a sneaking suspicion I knew where it came from.

I walked back along the hallway and made a right turn, making my way down another hallway. I don't walk far though; I stop right outside the glass doors of the training room.

Not really paying attention I swing open the sliding door, stepping inside the room. If only I had made it inside without making a fool of myself.

You see, I wasnt aware that Taehyung was in the corner of the room, sending his fists flying into a punching bag. I also was very unaware that he did not have a shirt on. So, when I did see all of that, I tripped over my own two feet and went down to the ground with a smack.

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