Perimedic Keith! Doctor Lance!

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K, before I start this...

Keith is riding in an ambuLANCE.

HA! K, I'll stop now.

Lance leaned on the counter to talk to our receptionist Allura. "Hey 'Lura."

"Hi Lonce." She rolled her eyes filing some papers in a drawer. Lance always thought it was funny how she pronounced his name with her accent.

"Do you happen to know if the private ambulance b-437 is here today?" He asked a trying to sound as casual about it as possible.

"Yes, I do happen to know that information. Why do you ask?" She smiled knowing he had hidden motives somewhere behind the questions.

"No real reason, just is it?"

"Yes." She rolled her eyes.

Lance fist-bumped the air. "Yes!!! Thanks Allura!"

"What's up?" Hunk asked. He was another doctor at the hospital.

"Nothing, Lance is just acting weird wanting to know if our private ambulance b-437 is working today." Allura sighed typing some things into her computer.

"Ohhh! He wants to know if the guy with mullet is working. Lance has a major crush on him." Hunk informed.

"I do not! He just... intrigues me." Lance argued.

"Well then, in that case, you wouldn't happen to care to know that he is gay. And single." Allura said sneakily.

Lances mind was racing and a large smile spread across his face. "Any other information I'm not interested in."

"Oh, you should watch yourself, he works with his older brother Shiro. Who knows, he might be super overprotective." Allura spoke smoothly before taking a long slow sip of coffee.

"How do you know all this?" Hunk asked humorously.

"He comes in on his breaks and we talked once." He said setting her mug back down softly. "Lance don't you have to be somewhere? Like I don't know, talking to a patient?"

"Not until 10. My patient had to cancel and it was too late to fit anything else in." Lance leaned back stretching. "Okay, I'm gonna go see if I can find hot mullet boy."

"Wait, take this." Allura shoves a stack of papers into his hands. "I need to run those over to the 'boss' for our private ambulances anyway. It saves me the trip and you have an excuse to be there."

"Thanks!" Lance looked up from the papers smiling widely.

Hunk looked at the clock, "Crap, I'm five minutes late for my next appointment." He took jogging down the hall.


Lance walked into the housing for the ambulances. Apparently all the workers were cleaning them, something they probably did more often than not.
He saw ambulance b-437 but didn't see Keith. He frowned slightly.

One worker stuck his head out the back of the second in a line of about four. This hospital was actually fortunate to have so many, a typical hospital would have one or two. It made patient transfers less of a hassle. "Hey, if your looking for Mrs. Holt, she's over there." The worker pointed.

Pidge, as they always called her was standing with her hands on her hips telling a worker to 'put his back into it' as he scrubbed the inside floor. Pidge was the greatest, she was hilarious and sarcastic, you could take nothing she said seriously.

"Hey Pidgeon, these are from Allura." Lance held out the papers. She took them and looked them over.

"Oh, I've been needing these. We're trying to get new stretchers." She wiggled her eyebrows deviously. They were walking along the ambulances together and they passed by b-437. Inside, Keith was scrubbing the wall with his hair tied back in a ponytail.

Lance stared causing Pidge to smirk. She nudged him, "Go talk to him."

Lance took a deep breath and walked up to the large vehicle. "Are you my appendix? I have a gut feeling I should take you out." Alarms blared in his head. Of all the pick up lines he could have used!

Keith stopped and tried to hold back smiles and laughs. "What?"

"Wait, let me try again." Lance put his head in his face before breathing in and out. "Okay. You must be my coronary artery because you're wrapped around my heart." Lance tried. "No wait, that was stupid."

Keith was laughing, he thought it was hilarious. Lance was surprised by the boy's reaction.

"Um, I'm Lance." He stuck out his hand a little nervously.

"I'm Keith. I would shake your hand but mine are covered in cleaners." He said holding up his gloved hands.

"Oh right, um, are you a C-reactive protein? Because you have a-cute phase."

Keith blushed laughing again. "How about we go for coffee and you can tell me more of those." Keith smirked.

Lance smiled, "Yeah, um," he laughed a little nervously, "heck Yeah." He pulled a pen out of his pocket and scribbled on a notepad his number.

They waved each other off and Lance stuck the paper in a pile of the boy's things. He fist bumped Pidge on his way out which Keith did see causing him to roll his eyes at the awkward boy.

Lance had never been more excited in his life. He jumped up and down when he got to Allura's desk doing minor victory dance. "We're going for coffee!"

Allura smirked, "By the way it's 10:03."

Lances face dropped as he took off down the hall similar to Hunk earlier.

Honorable Pun Mentions:

•ICU in my dreams.

•Can I take your temperature? You're looking hot today.

•Can I be your ophthalmologist 'cause I can't stop looking into your eyes.

•I hope someday to be your emergency contact.

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