Capítulo Uno

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Edit; 6 years later :-
I was 12 and a half when I wrote this book, so please bear with the cringe.

A/N: First few chapters are a real bum, and you'll be like, 'seriously? what am I reading?' but the intention was to make it seem like a cliché. It gets better after some chaps. And thank you for choosing this book to read - I love you already!!! *cries like a baby*

'Xanthe' - Zan-thee

'Xander' - Zander

(But no it's not a cliché, be patient. This book is sixty-six chapters long and you're only on the first)

With that being said, I hope you all have a wonderfullllll day :)

Chapter 1

Everybody in my school says Arsen Reed is the coolest person they've ever met. Even people who haven't met him say that, and it drives me mad.

You know why? Because he's not cool.

He's grumpy and annoying, and I know that from going to school with him for the past five years.

He also glares a lot, too. He glares at me the most.

I don't exactly know why. Maybe he's just made out of anger or something. But I could be wrong. Who am I to judge?

"Ms. Jacox! How many times have I told you to pay attention in my class?!" Mr. Ratchford growls, and I immediately snap out of my thoughts.

I lift my head up off the table to see everyone staring at me.

No one understands how uncomfortable it is to be stared at, but I brush it off.

"Once, sir," I answer seriously, and some students snigger. Mr. Hatchford...I mean, Mr. Ratchford's face, goes red.

"Don't talk back to me, Xanthe," He snaps.

"I wasn't, I just answered your question," I snap back at him - just a little less rudely, and Mr. Hatch--Ratchford glares at me.

I guess Arsen isn't the only one who likes doing that.

You have gained a partner! Congratulations.

"You mean you weren't in trouble, Xanthe. One hour's detention after school for disrespecting me, and don't be late this time," Mr. Ratchford snarls. I blow out a long breath, my bangs fly upwards.

Great, another detention. I swear if my parents finds out...and I can't ditch detention again because the school will obviously phone my parents, so I'll have to attend detention and just pretend I was in some kind of club meeting.

Actually, no, I can't. Because my step brother will find out.


"I asked you a question, Xanthe," Mr. Hatchford says.

Did I say his name wrong again?

"What, sir?" I look at him, and the class snickers again.

"It's pardon, Xanthe, not what! I asked you what this is on the board," He snaps, and I look at him as if he's ridiculous.

"It's a question, sir," I reply.

This time, the class laughs out loud and Mr. Ratchford stands up from his seat in an exaggeratedly angry way, walking up to me with his face redder than red.

"Right. To the principal's office, Xanthe, immediately," He growls, and I give him a big, fake smile.

"Thank you," I mutter, and Mr. Ratchford rubs the bridge of his nose.

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