Capítulo Seis

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Chapter 6

I moan loudly as the light shines down right on my face.

"What happened to the curtains?" I grumble, getting up and glaring at Arsen, who raises an eyebrow at me.

"I ate them," He deadpans, pointing to the curtains who were very much alive and breathing next to the window.

I roll my eyes, not in the mood to keep up my polite behaviour. It's been three weeks since they kidnapped me and nothing has happened to me so far, I think it's time I show my true colours.

I already started to about a week ago.

"Arsen?" I ask sweetly, and he looks at me.


"Why are you such a dickhead?" I ask innocently, and his blank face stares back at me, showing no emotions. Like always.

"Why are you alive?" He mutters, and I immediately glared at him.

Although that question hit me as if a brick had been thrown at my heart.

I have been in this house for three weeks. I think I'm dead. Because my brain can't take this anymore.

I feel like I'm Anne Frank, the poor girl who was stuck in the annexe place for...I don't even know how many days.

"Anne was more sophisticated than you," Arsen says to me coldly.

Great, I said that out loud.

"Shut up, Arsen. You should be happy that I'm not a bossy idiot like you," I tell him.

"No, you're not a bossy idiot. You're annoying." He growls icily, and walks out, leaving me with my mouth open.

Out of anger.

I swear that guy doesn't think before he talks. Doesn't he know how angry he gets me?! And how much his words hurt?!

"I hate him with all my life!" I snarl to myself, walking into his bathroom, slamming the door shut and angrily stripping down to get into the shower.

Although, now that I think about it, he really is a bossy idiot.

He's so controlling all the time and acts as if he owns you. And it drives me insane. Does he not get the meaning of the word 'yes'? Because all I've ever heard him say is the opposite.

Almost as if he's demanding for you to not have fun. As a strict order from the queen, or something.

Great, now I'm thinking about him.

What's his problem, anyway? He leaves for about three days and comes back as if nothing ever went wrong! And we're all sitting in the house waiting for him. I'm not saying I'm worried, I'm just saying it's vexatious.

Does he not know what day it is? If he knew my twin sister so well then why hasn't he said anything?

Fucking prick.


"You okay?" Ameena asks as I walk into the kitchen and plop down on the seat, with the sourest expression I can muster.

I was hoping nobody would ask me that.

"I'm fine," I mutter, getting a weird look from Noah and an eye roll from Ace.

Okay, so here's the deal with Ace.

He hates me.

And I'm not just saying the 'cute, banter type hate where he actually really likes me but says he hates me for a joke' kind of hate, but the kind of hate where he doesn't care if I die and would most probably be the cause of my death.

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