Chapter 27 - Famous couple

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Sara's POV

2 months later

"Stop laughing Michael!", I protested as he snickered behind the file. I put my hands onto my hips and waited for him to meet my eyes.

Two months ago we had been almost caught by Marie and Gerard, and he still found it funny! I couldn't believe him sometimes. Michael was such an intriguing man – stern, furious, hard ruling, then suddenly silly and all smiley when he was in a good mood. At work he was a stern man who required you to prove yourself daily to him, privately he was a cuddly guy who loved to eat and do nothing all day long - total opposites basically.

Today, we had come to work together, per usual, after he had crashed at my place. Michael and I stayed over at each other's so often, that each of us had half their stuff at each other's place. I owned every makeup product double because I left some of it at his, as well as my pj's, underwear and such. Yesterday I had washed at least three suits of his, which was quite normal now.

After Melinda had trained me sternly the past two months, I had quickly grown into her position of the general secretary of Beaumont Enterprise. Not without mistakes though. Thankfully Michael was patient. I had brought him wrong files, sent wrong emails, scheduled appointments wrong – but he endured my nervousness and played along until I was sure enough of myself.

Now I handled it pretty good. Not perfectly, but I was getting there! It was almost lunch time and I had managed to do quite a big chunk of work already, as well as schedule his next two weeks in advance. As always, he was terribly busy, and we would only see each other when he slept over at mine's or over the weekend.

That reminded me – Léon had called him while he had been outside the company to sign a contract. His family was quite nice, and Léon often called to keep in touch with him; as well as his children. His niece loved to talk to him, even if she blabbered nonsense all day long. But Michael always beamed when Estelle talked to him and I was sure he would make a wonderful father one day.

I was dragged back to reality when my boyfriend looked up again.

A smirk laid on his perfectly arched lips and his blue eyes twinkled amused. "Admit it mon amour, in hindsight it was funny." 

"It was embarrassing! Our clothes were everywhere, and we were half naked!" 

"They didn't mind at all", Michael brushed it off with a shrug.

"Marie wanted to skin me alive!", I huffed, yanking the file out of his hand. Thankfully Michael had managed to calm her down, as well as Gerard.

Marie wasn't as bad once she calmed down and listened to what you had said – in fact, I often speak to them since Michael views them as his parents. Gerard is a calm individual who cracked funny jokes often, while Marie is a very emotion driven woman who wanted the best for them. They sort of reminded me of my parents, which made me miss Austria even more.

"Also, stop rereading the damn file! You checked it already, you should be preparing for the meeting in ten minutes!" 

"Yes boss", Michael sarcastically replied, grinning at me. "Who would have thought that my secretary of two months could already be this demanding?" 

"Well, I'm sorry for wanting to keep your business alive", I said with a smile as I walked out of his office.

I smiled as I heard him go after me – who would have thought that the Michael Beaumont would be so clingy?

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