[Chapter Twenty-Eight]

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The girls woke up at the crack of dawn, Nina having to literally drag Amelia out of her bed. She stayed in her pajamas and walk downstairs with the other three girls. They walked downstairs and saw Alfie pressed up against one of the walls. Fabian peaked his head out of his room, them all watching as Alfie started to make random hand signals, which basically meant he was flailing his arms around.

Once he finally realized they had no idea what he was trying to tell them, he yelled at them, telling them to be quiet. They heard someone messing around in the kitchen, which caused them all to panic. Fabian shut his door, Nina and Amber ran into the living room, Patricia hid under the stairs, and Amelia jumped into the mummy statue.

A few seconds later Alfie knocked on the outside of the mummy, signaling to her that the coast was clear. Amelia peeped her head out and noticed Poppy was sneaking into her brother's room. Amelia ignored it and exited the mummy, following the others to the kitchen so they could go down to the cellar.

They wasted no time in getting into the tunnels and to the chasm. Fabian stood at the front, readying himself to try and cross the beam. "I'll go first, just to show you all how straightforward it is." "You got this Fabian," Amelia reassured him, praying that he would make it to the other side without being chopped in half. Nina grabbed his shoulder and sent him a reassuring nod.

At the second interval, Fabian almost lost his footing, causing the rest of the group to start freaking out. "You can do this, come on," Patricia called out to him. Once Fabian got to the other side, completely unharmed, the rest of the groups nerves slightly lifted. Fabian brushed himself off and smiled proudly, "See; come on Nina."

Fabian held out his hand as Nina stepped onto the beam. Fabian started to yell out the notes to help her get across. "Yes," "Nina, you make it look like a breeze." They all cheered as Nina safely got across to the other side. "Alright Amelia, show us how it's done," Nina called out to her. Amelia started to hum the beat as she stepped onto the beam. As soon as she made it across the beam, she pulled Nina and Fabian in for a big hug.

"Alright Alfie, you got this," she cheered. Alfie and Patricia easily made it through, leaving Amber as the last one. "Come on Amber you got this!" "Just pretend there's a huge shopping spree at the end of the beam," Amelia told her, hoping it would help calm her nerves.

With every step she took the group cheered for her, knowing that she needed the most reassurance out of all of them. "Yes," "Come on," "You're doing it Amber!" She made it through and they all wrapped each other up in a big group hug. "Yes," "You did it," "We did it," "Now where's my shopping spree," Amber asked.

"Okay guys, and now for the exciting part! Let's see what's down here," Nina stated as she started to walk down the next part of the tunnels. "This should be interesting, considering what we've seen so far," Fabian laughed. "As long as it doesn't involve bugs," Amber cringed. "A giant rolling ball?" "Subterranean caverns?" Patricia and Alfie were shouting out different ideas. That was until they came face to face with a wall, a wall that didn't have any empty spaces or writing or carvings. It was just a plain, dusty wall.

They all started to push on the wall, thinking that it was maybe a door, but the wall didn't budge. "What, it doesn't even open!" "No, there's got to be something." Fabian started knocking on the wall, while Amelia knocked on the wall next to it, feeling around at the bottom, sensing that there was something there.

Before she could find the small tunnel, her alarm went off, scaring the others. She looked down at her phone to see that it was almost time for breakfast, meaning Vera would be in the kitchen cooking soon. "Guys, we really need to be heading back. The others should be awake by now and we don't want to get caught by Victor or Vera." They all agreed with her and headed back, walking across the beam and through the swooshing pendulums again and back through the tunnels.

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