[Chapter Sixty-One]

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It didn't take long for Eddie to find Amelia. She was curled up on the top floor of the library in her small corner. He could hear the faint sound of her sobs grow louder with every step he took up the stairs, toward her. "Hey bub," he smiled softly when he finally reached her. She didn't have to say anything for Eddie to know she didn't want to talk about what had happened.

Eddie grabbed a book from the shelf behind her head and sat down next to her. He wrapped his arm around her, and she leaned into him, almost immediately wetting the sleeve of his t-shirt as her tears fell onto it. "The Egyptian book of the dead," he read out loud before turning to page one. They sat there for the next few hours, Eddie reading to her as she wiped away her tears and tried to forget about everything that had happened back at the house.

They headed back to the house when they realized it was almost ten o'clock and Jasper was getting ready to lock up. Once they reached the house, Eddie walked her up to Mara, Joy and Patricia's room. "Yacker, can I talk to you," he asked Patricia as Amelia stood behind him, their hands intertwined. "Oh, hey Amelia," Patricia awkwardly smiled once she noticed her behind Eddie. "I know this is weird to ask, but is it cool if Amelia sleeps in your room tonight? She just doesn't feel comfortable sleeping in her room right now."

Patricia smiled sadly at her friend as she shook her head yes. "Yeah, actually why don't you just take my bed for the night." Before Amelia could protest, Patricia began to speak again. "I'll go get you some pajamas, be right back," she smiled. Eddie and Amelia headed into the room to wait for Patricia. She came back a moment later with a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. "Thanks Patricia," Amelia smiled as she got up to go change.

"Amelia, I'm-I'm sorry for what happened tonight." Amelia muttered a thanks before heading off to the bathroom to change. Patricia and Eddie talked for a moment and Patricia explained to Joy and Mara about the room switch for the night. Patricia grabbed her stuff and headed to Amelia's room, while Eddie headed downstairs. Although, instead of going to his room, he barged into the other boy's room.

"Eddie, what are you doing," Alfie yelled as the boy barged in, anger written all over his face. "What is your problem Clarke?" "What are you talking about?" "I'm talking about you telling everyone about Amelia's dad! How could you do something like that? Like how seriously messed up in the head do you have to be to just expose that." "It wasn't like that Eddie," Jerome tried to explain, but he had no idea what to say. He thought he had done the right thing, but he obviously hadn't.

"Then what was it like Jerome? Why'd you tell all of them about her father being back?" "I-just-," Eddie scoffed as Jerome continued to stumble over his words. For once in his life, he was at a loss for words. He knew his reasoning was good, but he couldn't explain any of it without exposing every little thing, and he just couldn't bring himself to do that. "That's what I thought." Eddie headed for the door, but he stopped and turned back toward Jerome. It was as if a fire had begun to burn in the pit of his stomach. He was completely pissed off and he was done holding his tongue.

"You know, you don't deserve her at all. You don't deserve the love and care she gives to you. You don't deserve to hear her laugh or see her smile. You don't deserve all the times she stood up for you or stood by your side. You don't deserve the tears she shed every single day in America as she thought about how she had left you behind. You don't deserve to hear her jokes. You don't deserve the undying love she has for you. You don't deserve all the times she turned someone down because in the back of her mind it was always going to be you. You don't deserve her, and I will make it my personal goal for the rest of the year to keep you away from her."

By now Victor had finished his bedtime speech and was headed for the boy's room. He threw the door open and glared at Eddie who stood in the middle of the room, his eyes focused on Jerome, who for the second time during the conversation was speechless. "Mr. Edison, bed now," Victor yelled. "Mark my words," was the last thing Eddie said before heading out of their room and going to his own. "Clarke, Lewis, you too." Victor turned off their light as he exited the room.

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