[Chapter Sixty-Four]

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Once Amelia got back to Anubis House, she sat on her bed and had a very therapeutic cry. She almost felt like the tears were never going to stop, but when she heard the girl's voices bounding down the hall, she quickly wiped her tears away. "Hey, are you okay with going with Alfie and Amber to go get the stain glass piece from the attic," Nina asked her as she dropped her bag on her bed. "Yeah sure! Has anyone seen Vera yet? Are we sure we won't run into her up there?" "You guys should be good," Nina told her as she grabbed a change of clothes and headed out to the bathroom.  

Amelia sighed as she got out of her bed and met Amber and Alfie outside of their room. "Let's go get this reflector," Alfie cheered as they all high-fived each other and then headed for the attic door. They crept up the stairs, trying their best not to make any sounds just in-case Vera was up in her room. Once they reached the top, Amelia pressed her ear to the door. When she heard nothing, she motioned to the others that they were good to go.

"Why has Victor stocked Vera up here like in Jane Eyre?" Alfie and Amelia both looked back at Amber in surprise. "What, I've seen the movie. I bet I spend more time in the library than you." "But not more time than Amelia," Alfie joked causing her to shrug her shoulders. "Hey, don't hate on me for loving to read." "Yeah, I've only ever been to the library for a bake off or some sort of heist. Or for a cool passage down to the tunnels," Alfie explained to them.

They walked over to the stain glass window that held the reflector they were looking for. "There," Alfie pointed out the falcon in the red sun on the window, "This is it." "Gently, careful Alfie," Amber warned him. "Always with the lack of trust," Alfie scoffed as he pried the piece out of the window, nearly dropping it as it flung out of the window.

Luckily Amber caught it as Amelia started to giggle. "And that is exactly why there is a lack of trust." Amelia waited, expecting for Alfie to have some sort of retort back, but it never came. "Look what you made me do," Amber scoffed. "A nail chipped!" Amber and Amelia both looked at Alfie's stunned face confused. "I know; you have no idea how long it takes my nails to grow.

"Amber, Amelia," Alfie motioned behind him. The girls turned around and noticed a completely frozen Vera. When Amber had caught the reflector, she had tripped on the blanket that Victor had been using to cover up the frozen Vera. Amelia let out a loud scream as she and Amber both jumped backwards.

"Do you think Victor had her stuffed," Alfie asked them as they all wondered what could have caused this. "That would be so Victor," "No, are you crazy," Amber and Amelia both said at the same time. Amber blew on the reflector and watched as her breath made its way onto it. She then tip-toed over to Vera and placed the reflector in front of her mouth. They watched as small breaths made their way onto the reflector to show that Vera was in fact still breathing.

"She's alive," "Well she's not doing a very good job of it." Amelia let out a small laugh at Alfie's joke. "Sorry," she mumbled, realizing that it was not the right time to be laughing or joking. "Vera, Vera, Vera" Alfie whispered and then yelled, hoping that his calls would somehow trigger her awake. "Shh," Amelia and Amber both yelled. "She can't hear but the rest of the house will," Amber scolded him.

Amelia slowly walked over to Vera, placing the back of her hand on Vera's forehead before quickly pulling it away. "She's ice cold," she explained to the other two. Amber's eyes went wide, "Oh no," "What's wrong Amber?" "We mentioned the secret tunnel to the library." Alfie and Amelia's eyes both went wide. "If she can hear," "Then you definitely made sure she just heard it twice."

"So, what do we do now," Alfie asked them. "I say we cover her up and get the heck out of here before Victor comes up here looking for her," Amelia suggested. Amber reached over for the blanket and pulled it back over Vera. "We take the shard, back away slowly and I totally kill you if either of you let it slip that we might have let Vera know about the secret passageway." "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say Amber," Amelia muttered as she reached for the doorknob.

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