Chapter 3 p 1

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I somehow managed to escape the Guarded council building unscathed. The cloth blanketing my gash was soaked with blood, it's once blue shade had darkened into a maroon color.

I forced myself to look away from the cloth, gazing up at the sky. Stars had began to dot the heavens, casting their twinkling rays upon the vacant streets ahead of me. My pocket watch chimed 11:30 PM, an hour and a half past curfew. My heart fell, I had never missed curfew, and I did not want to know what would happen to me if I did.

Street lights no longer Illuminated my path, the only sound existent was the clicking of my boots against the pavement.

I turned the corner, light beaming off the mettle fence that engrossed the school. Creaking the fence door open, I was met with complete nothingness, not a movement in sight.

Maybe I was in luck.

I cracked open the main door, surprised that it was unlocked. My eyes tore over the room, latching onto every detail.

I cautiously crept in, alert for anything that might be thrown my way. When nothing happened, I turned the corner, silence being the only thing that welcomed me at every step. Starting up the stairs, my guard fell, and I allowed myself to release a breath I didn't know I had been holding. I trudged down the hallway to the girls dormitory, my breaths finally returning to normal.

I stopped at my door, my hand landing on the handle. My fingers formed around the icy Metal surface, my heart rate rising, I would be okay, nobody had caught me. I was safe.

" you can't hide your recklessness forever, it's time you paid up." I froze in place, my grip still firm on the door handle. I didn't turn around to face whoever had spoken, instead deciding to focus on the way my hand felt on the door handle, seconds away from my little ounce of freedom.

"Turn around and look at me Drew." I blinked, the feeling of my eyelids heavy. "What are you hiding, and who's shirt is that around you're hand?" I did not know how to answer any of these questions that were being fired at me by the year 16 adviser, my adviser.

"I got hurt," I stated simply, darting my eyes around the hall at the sudden movement from around the corner. Miss Willis whipped her head around a second too late, but I barely got a glimpse of the same shirt material that was wrapped around my hand.

"I'm sorry I was late," I sputtered out, casting my eyes at the ground. Miss Willis said nothing, but I could feel the venom in her eyes. She crossed her arms disapprovingly, clearing her throat.

" you will not sit with the group tomorrow, you will eat with those who have the red plates. I will tell you the rest of your punishment in the morning, now get to bed." I notted in response, very much wanting to end this conversation and go to bed, possibly try and ignore the intense throbbing of my injured hand.

"Will you tell me what you did," she pressed, leaning against the wall, she was blocking me from my only escape. I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment, contemplating what I could do at this moment.

"No, it was nothing," I lied, a knot forming in my stomach, she tapped her foot, letting me know she did not believe a word I had just spat."I promise it was nothing, honest."

"Then why are you hurt," she stated, in almost a mocking manner, her eyes held no remorse, she stood like a cold hearted animal, about to capture its prey. I gulped, sliding down to the ground so I wouldn't fall backwards from a lack of energy. With the constant enteragation and pounding headache that was starting to form, I knew this would be a long night.


What do you think they're punishment will be for her?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter police boat and comment


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