Ch 12 p 4

15 6 39

I was a Pebble on the side of the road, a small thing surrounded by millions of other things. I was so small yet I could envolc so much change.

When you are the only sand left in the sea, will you be able to withstand the waves?

"Hello Drew, I am very pleased to see you again, what happened last night was a great tragedy, and whoever did it will be in a great deal of trouble."

I said nothing, my eyes roving through the room, never had I seen so many books in my life, each of them stood, a story inside waiting to be read.

There were not many books we could read in our country, Lancbutg was a very structured place, and we learned through people instead of tales of them.

When I was a child I always dreamed of curling up with a book on the Oceanside, with a slight breeze playing at my face.

That was my kind of paradise, a place where I could go and not have a care in the world, a place where I was free.

Freedom, I had heard of it, I do not remember where, I didn't understand how someone could have that kind of agency, wouldn't it drive them to act out of impulse.

I shouldn't be having these thoughts

There was no paradise to be found, not now, not ever.

"She is quite tired I assume." Conrad's voice brought me out of my daze, and I nodded in agreement, knitting my fingers together. Each one fit perfectly in the spaces between the others.

"I have received some news," I blinked, jerking my head to stare at Conrad's father. He was an older version of his son, his features had rounded out a bit though, his eyes less bright  Then his sons, and his hair not quite as thick. He sat tiredly in a large wooden chair, leaning over his desk, papers scattered in every direction.

"What is it?" I pressed, I hoped it wasn't something to bad, but by the sound of his voice, I knew it was. He massaged his chin, attempting to school his features into something less pained, it was a lost cause.

"I do believe you associate yourself with Blair am I correct?" I nodded, her Face staying present in my mind. I needed to go and get her, I didn't know how, but I would, even if I was loyal to Conrad, Blair was my best friend, a bond that can't be broken by distance.

"Yes, is she alright, I heard about her family." I managed to get those words out, fumbling over every syllable. I knew it would be a hard bite to swallow, but I needed to hear it.

"You must know it was for the best, her family disobey the law, and now they are paying for it." I nodded, remembering the words that had been spoken to me weeks ago at the dance, it isn't from past events, they have been separated because of something new. What law had they broken?

"I understand, yes the law is very important." Conrad was a statue next to me, he said nothing, studying the exchange between us.

Mr Robberts leaned forward, his eyebrows raising up in thought. He drew in a breath, his eyes void of any emotion. "We have separated her parents, and we thought it would be best that Blair be parted from everyone, she has been banished from our community, she was born in vain, therefore she is less then third class."

Those words sent a series of images to my mind, things I had never thought of before. How could I stand here and listen to him belittle my best friend, the one person I could trust.

Mistakes don't decrease the value of a person, everyone has something to offer this world.

I buried those thoughts to the back of my mind, knowing that they were ones that could have me banished as well.

Conrad beat me to respond, knowing the perfect thing to say, a trade I hadn't been blessed with. "Father, I fear that Drew is stricken ill from this news, I will escort her to the finest guest room."

His father nodded, and I was whisked out of the room, I remained impassive as we strolled down the large marble halls, lined with bright lights, and fresh flowers placed in ceramic pots.

"I know you are dissatisfied, you don't need to hide it from me." I jerked my head up in his direction, not really knowing how to respond to that.

Nothing made sense anymore, I thought I could trust Nathen, and this whole time he had wanted me gone. I thought we were supposed to hide our thoughts, but the one guy I had been avoiding was wanting me to tell him everything.

How was I supposed to react?

"I just, there are a lot of things that don't make sense to me anymore. I well, I trusteed Nathen, he just, well, I don't really know anymore."

"I tried to warn you about him, but you were too under his spell, Nathen is a two timer, he just wants all the power, and is willing to get it in any way he can. He only associated with you because he knew your thoughts were not like the others, and he wanted to end all of that, he wanted to dispose of you."

I nodded, glancing out one of the large windows, sun was just beginning to peek from behind the clouds, brightening the sky with orange and brilliant pinks.

"How did you know this," I turned to glance at him, he was already eyeing me, his expression masked. I had never been one who was skilled at hiding my emotions, I wore my heart on my sleeve, and tried to see the best in everyone, however, I wasn't naïve either though, or so I thought.

"We are the two most elete men, we do need to know the ins and outs of one another, as well as the fact that our fathers are very close." I nodded, my eyes trailing the sun as it arked it's wings across the sky.


I had never been a deep sleeper, it took me hours to fall asleep, I never could seam to quiet my mind.

His face kept appearing in my mind, I couldn't stop thinking about the words he had said to me as we stood by my door.

I glanced up at him, "Well I guess this is me," I mumbled, the butterfly's rising in my stomach, he nodded, capturing me with his mesmerizing blue eyes.

"I have something for you," he swiftly reached his hand into his pocket pulling out a bulky silver wristband, it had my name engraved on it, I had never seen anything like it before.

"What is it," i questioned, taking the foreign object from him. He shot my a smile, one I couldn't read, but I was sure it was genuine.

"It's a wristband to remind you that I am always with you, now go ahead, put it on." I obliged, sliding it onto my arm, it was surprisingly warm, sending a special feeling throughout me, he cared about me.

Nobody had ever treated me like that before.


Hello my lovely readers, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I am so sorry I have been missing in action, wife has had my full attention lately but I finally got around to writing another chapter.

What do you think of Conrad's father, and the gift that Conrad gave to her?

Do you think there is something going on between Conrad and Nathan?

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