Chapter 10 P 2

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I have no idea how long I sat there in that waiting room, but my mind had come up with so many random things, I thought I would go insane.

I slumped out of the seat, mechanically walking outside in the Direction of the mess hall.

I had walked down this street so many times, I had ruminated every thought possible on the way over, yet things seamed different as I strolled there today.

It wasn't because many of the students had gone home and I remained here, it couldn't be the fact that I had nobody to sit by, perhaps it was because for once I didn't care about what the next day held.

It wasn't an I hate myself feeling, more of a restless feeling, I had been trapped my whole life, forced to think and dress a certain way, eat out of a blue bowl, I had told myself that these things were normal, and being different was a crime, but life would be drab if we were all the same.

Life isn't about floating along seamlessly it is
about creating one's own wave

It wasn't very crowded when I entered into the Mess hall, many of the younger students had left for home, and there were mainly people from my year with a few year 17s and 18s, the final year scattered around.

I felt like a grain of sand in a sea of dirt, as I placed myself at a table all alone, my ears picking out familiar voices in the crowd.

I scraped a potato around in my blue bowl, the bowl I used every day, everything had been the same my whole life, it had become normal, however, things could change in the blink of an eye, and they had, I never knew Conrad would take an interest in me, never did I dream of talking to Nathen, and I had no idea he was the presidents son, the real question was, how had everyone knew about him except me?

I was so buried in my own thoughts, I didn't notice someone was seated next to me until they cleared their throat.

"Drew, earth to Drew," I whipped my head around, almost smacking my head into Greg's in the process, Greg's heavy eye bags were disguised by his thick rimmed glasses, his hair a mess, he was pale, and appeared as though he was in great stress.

"What is it, are you alright?" I examined his expression for an answer, as though it might be written on his forehead, he hadn't touched his food at all, it remained collecting dust on the table.

"Blair, do you  know," he jumped from phrase to phrase trying to gather his words, "the government disowned her early, because of her mother, you know, when her parents were married without consent from the government. They sent her to work in a hidden factory at the edge of town. I didn't even get to say goodbye."

His words pierced my heart, every syllable holding so much meaning, how had I not noticed this would happen, how was it possible to let the Government control every aspect of a persons life?

"I shouldn't be mad, her parents deserve it, and Blair should suffer the wrath of it, it is the law, and it is there for a reason, I'm sorry I brought it up, I'm just, well never mind." He glanced down at his food, avoiding eye contact with me in embarrassment.

"It's what?" I mumbled, holding the words that so incredibly wanted to spill out of my mouth. He avoided my gaze, glancing around the room, attempting to lock his attention on something else. I knew that if I spoke my mind to him, I could be thrown in prizes, if I planted a seed of doubt, I was better off dead.

"She was special, she reminded me of my sister," he spooned his food in silence, as her face appeared in my mind, Grace, thick dark haired, and the most gentle human one had ever known.

I slid his food away in one swoop, not caring that everyone was watching, as I did something that was considered abnormal in our society, empathy, to show mercy, compassion and love.

"She was amazing, and so is Blair," I wrapped my arms around my childhood best friend, as he sat there, both of our hearts breaking for the two girls, nobody ever spoke of the death that had been put upon his sister, it was one of the mistakes everyone knew the government had made, for nothing can be exactly black and white, there is always a Gray area.


Hey everyone, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I updated it sooner than the weekend :-)

Anyway tell me what you think of this chapter

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