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It was getting darker by the minute, the law enforcement hot on our tails. I chewed my lip so hard I could taste blood, my arms gripping onto Greg so tightly I was surprised he could even breathe.

We galloped toward the tall buildings in the distance, street lamps illuminating against the midnight sky. " what are we going to do, March through streets?" My words were half true and half sarcastic.

Greg chuckled humorlessly, urging the horse further. I let out a gasp when a series of shots were fired, whipping my head around, my mouth falling open when another shadow shot out from behind the bushes, it was Nathen.

He sat atop another midnight black horse, a gun strapped to his hip as well. Another shot was fired followed bye a crack, then silence, however it was quickly ended when Nathen road up next to us, darting his horse around a tree, we followed suit, taking a different approach into the city.

"I said go to the cave, are you mad?" His words caught me off guard, "I wanted to help, I needed to save Blair."
Glancing up at the sky, a thin Crescent moon sat shameless against a speckled sky, casting itself upon the oh so trembling city, with its enormous buildings and terrified residence.

I could smell the deathly sent of gun powder, that lingered in the air. However the law-enforcement were no longer within sight, my stomach crawled at the thought that they could pop out at any second. "Let's go," Greg demanded as we once again Road, Nathen shooting me another disapproving look as we continued on.

"I I wanted to save Blair" I hissed, chewing the inside of my cheek. My breathing was ragged my eyes tracing every inch of the space as the shadows now turned into towering buildings. We had now come up on the city, where everyone sat inside their homes, unknowing of what lay outside their doors.

"On horse, you can't be serious, and with him?" Nathen scrubbed a hand down his face, leaning forward as he slid off, pacing over to us, " you don't expect to be able to ride free around the city now do you?" Greg said nothing as he passed me down into Nathens arms, his simple touch enough to cause fireworks on my skin.

" we were not planning to ride through the city," I whispered, Nathen shoving the pair of us against a wall as Greg rode forward with the pair of horses, causing the illusion that we were still on top of them. " he isn't risking his life for us is he?" My voice broke As I watched with wide eyes, gripping Nathens shirt with trembling hands when The silence was once again filled with cracking shots, Greg remained upright as he disappeared into the night, weaving around the city. We stood there the two of us completely and utterly alone

"Why why do you have to be so crazy Drew, I" he turned his head down to gaze at me, his hands cupping both sides of my face, My response fell on deaf ears as I was cut off by his lips capturing mine. the silent midnight air spinning around us, for this was only the calm before the storm.

Ahhhhh you guys, they are back together again, it is about time.

Sorry I took so long to update, but I hope you like this update :-)

Happy fall

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