Chapter 12 p 2

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My back was hard up against the wall, once I stepped out from behind it, he would see me.

He had said his friends would be here as well, however the only person standing at the lakes edge was Conrad himself.

I knew what I had to do, I would become a servant to him to keep my secret. He was the only one who could help me, and I knew that he cared about me.

He didn't want to tell everyone my crazy thoughts, and he wanted me to go to the lake so we could spend time together. I decided to tell myself that, I felt my first leg step out from the wall, my eyes glued to the back of his head waves crawled up against the sand, stars hanging high in the sky.

Breathe Drew, you can do this, you are strong, wbu was I so scared? Breathe, I decided to count the waves, as I prepared to have all my freedom fall into this persons hands, I was pledging allegiance to him when I stepped out from this wall.

One, two,

My thoughts came to an abrupt end, as a loud shot cut through the air, I clung to the wall once again, my skin crawling, where had that crash come from.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I felt my hands ball up into fists, clenching my teeth at the feeling of my nails digging into my skin.

Is Conrad ok, did someone shoot him? My ears strained for any sound that might tell me what was going on. I blinked, my eyes flashing open, a flash of Conrad's face coming into view, he was running across the lake, he was calling my name.

"Drew, where are you?" He was worried about me, once I came out from behind this wall he won't worry, and maybe the bad guys would go away. Who were the bad guys?

I would be safe once I was with him.

"C," I bit out, gasping for air, as my balance was knocked out from under me, the world spun into the ground, my fists scraping against the uneven surface. I must have lost my own balance, how was I such a clutz?

I was preparing to scramble up to my feet, just as a foot came in contact with my hip, hard and fast, sending a surge of pain burning through my body. I crashed back onto the ground again, a shock arrupting through my body as my teeth jammed into my tongue.

I squeezed my eyes shut, my heart slamming in my chest. I could hear it ring in my ears fear crawling into my soul as someone yanked me up, shoving a sheet over my head. They hastily drug me to a car, disposing of me in the backseat, blood pooling up in my mouth.

Where had Conrad gone?

The men said nothing as they lurched away from the curb, wildly speeding through town. I had not realized a burning tear had made its way down my cheek, until my eyes pooled over.

I silently cried, wondering what would come of me now.


Well well well hi there.

Did you like this chap I hope I write the fight scene well.

Any tips for these kinds of scenes, I just need to feel the way the character is.

Love you all

Who do you think the bad guys are?

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