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The ground was burning through my thin shoes, my legs like jelly, as I chased after Nathen, I wasn't going to loose him, not again. "Nathen, I'm coming with you," I screeched, brushing past trees. I caught a sight of his shadow, as it wheeled around, he had the horse rope in his hands, his fathers horse now tangled with it.

Nathen silently stepped toward me, gently but firmly grabbing my arm, he pushed us against a tree, the horse rope still in his other hand.. his slate gray eyes pierced through every last piece of my heart, as I clung tightly to his arm, fear coursing through me.

"You aren't coming with me,you need to ride honeycomb as far away from here as possible," Nathen shoved the rope into my hands, his jaw pulsing.

I shook my head violently, the fabrics of his shirt balling up beneath my trembling hand. "No, I want to come, p please," I cried out, my vision already clouding up with tears, when had I become such a crybaby?

"Do you want to die, at the first sight of you, they will shoot, my father won't shoot me, not yet, not without you still alive somewhere. Now go, before they catch you."

With every last wit, I pled with him as he lifted his hands, brushing the leftover tears off my face, "you are strong, Drew, you can do this, don't give up." I helplessly wrapped my arms around him, clinging onto the last bit of life that was now being ripped away from me, before I even got a chance to live.

"I'll meet you over here, there is a cave," Nathen pulled out a map, pointing to a cave that was nestled between some trees, "You wait there until I get there, I moved the machine, and it is down close to there, if I don't return," I reached down, grabbing his hand, my eyes connecting with his.

"You will return, and when you do, we will go together, promise me that, do everything you can." Nathen Drew in a deep breath, leaning his head against my trembling hands. I could feel that fear that emanated in him, a terror that he was not willing to show, but he remained strong, gathering up the small amount of strength he had left.

"You will go down there, I'm not sure if Conrad will be there or not, but we made a deal, and our last hope is that he will stick to his part." I hesitated as I gazed off into the distance, I had never traveled this far alone, and the thought that Nathen might not join me there left a stabbing pain in my heart, much worse than physical violence could ever do.

"I'll be waiting," I whispered, sliding down off the horse to saver one last hug. I drank in the feeling of his strong comforting arms around me. The way his heart hammered in his chest. His smell, mint mixed with a faint but noticeable cologne. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck, and as the seconds ticked on, that stabbing pain increased, crashing itself into my entire sole, as I climbed once again upon the horse.

I took off into the distance, sparing one last glance back at him, he stood there so small, I watched as he defeated Lee brushed a hand through his hair, preparing himself for what was to come next.

I did the same, my head stretched heavenward, This time I couldn't lean my head against Nathens backas he lead us to safety, it was my turn to be strong, and take hold of my own fate. . I had to be strong, if not for Nathan, for myself.

The pit in my stomach opened up, this whole plan rested on a certain person, Conrad. It was up to him, and if Nathan was dead before the morning, Conrad would claim whatever he wanted in his stead.


I thought I would give you all an extra update, just as a little gift, I hope you enjoy it and thank you so much for the support vote and comment

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