Chapter 4 p 2

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"Good morning students, it is 4 AM, and we have arrived in the middle classes suburbs." I whipped my eyes open, glancing around to take the station in that I had been to 100 times, well probably more.

"Welcome home," I whispered to myself, gathering my carry ons, and following the other people off the train.

Early morning air hit my face, My eager eyes scanning the scene. I spotted my suitcase in the line, retrieving it I made my way to the bus.

I was home at last.

"Well well well, if it isn't Drew,"
Rolling my eyes, I glanced behind me to meet the green eyes of my forever neighbor who was a year older then I.

" Gregory Martenez." I retorted, looking his merry face over. He was a tall thin teenager, with messy brown hair and chunky black glasses. "I've missed you," I ventured on, supplying him with a weak smile.

He returned it, scrubbing a hand through his wild chocolate hair. He had the most enticing grin, a sincere one, that made one feel as though he really cared. Something that was not common around here. "I've missed you too, Stetson Weston," he added, a sly grin taking over his features, knowing I hated my last name.

"Oh, so we are going down that road," I assured, rolling my eyes for a second time. I'd missed my childhood friend. I could still remember the first time he had gone away on this bus.


"I want to go watch them leave, mom, please," I nearly screamed, my tight braids nearly pulling my hair right out of my head.

"I suppose you can, but you're father will be right next to you, we know you will try and sneak on Drew." She folded her arms, leaving me with a disappointed frown.

She knew me to well.

"I promise I won't, but I want daddy to come, I never see him anymore," I remarked, my statement making the realization more alive.

It had been quite a while since I had seen father, his dark hair and stress lines imprinted into my memory.


I slammed against my seat as the bus Haunted against the curb, a group of every age students filing off the bus, the next stop was mine, that fact caused a knot to twist it's way into my stomach. I wasn't sure what was to come. That Knowledge scared me.

We left the bus in silence, apart from our medium sized group, the street was bear of people, our parents remained asleep when we arrived most times, they were not supposed to go outside after hours.

It wasn't something talked about much, but we all knew the reason why.

"More quiet then I remembered it," Gregory remarked, taking my bags from my shaking hands. I glanced up at him for a spared second, fixing my gaze once again on the street lights that illuminated the faint golden dawn glow.

"It's always been this quiet," I shot back, my house coming into view. Our last name sat  imprinted above the door, Stetson.

Daryl and Nelly Stetson.
Dawn Stetson

Every house was identical, the same color, structure, and even front yard. Each house had a blue letter box, with the flag etched onto the side.

I opened the box, finding nothing inside I waved at Greg and started up the driveway.

Welcome home Drew, I stated to myself.

Darkness engulfed me when I unlatched the door, taking in the familiar scent. Rose mixed with mint, my mother loved it. I let the door shut behind me, standing mindlessly in the living room.

Even though it had only been two weeks since I had last felt the Confort of my own home, I had missed it more then anything else in the world.
I dropped my things down on the floor, melting into the couch as I flipped on the TV, tuning in when our President of the councils face appeared on the screen.

He was tall, dark haired, and his eyes, the deepest gray I had ever seen. When he spoke he had such power, the only thing one could do was listen to his intelligent words.

He had never had any kids, he did merry, she was the most delegate woman, the image of grace and poise, from her wavy brown hair to her long lashes, she held herself with the upmost respect, and we gave it to her.

Good morning my wonderful country. I hope you are all doing well this lovely morning. I leaned back, waiting on his next words.

"You arrived safe, I, well, good morning." My mothers voice took me out of my daze, I wheeled my head around to face her, she shared my deep brown hair and Emerald green eyes. I got my thin nose and arched eyebrows from my grandmother, and my firey attitude from my father.

"Mother," I stated, remaining on the couch. We had never been incredibly close, both my parents had never been fond of my daring ways, they had always wanted a son, and when they had me, they did the best they could to pretend they were happy. They acted as though all they had was each other.

"You're father chose not to come, but I wanted to see you, I've missed you you know." I spared her a glance, taking in her messy hair and swollen eyes.

"I know," I muttered back, laying back down on the couch, as I focused on our President. I had never met him personally, but I had seen him act the annual assembly where everybody would've come from the three Providence is, and me together in that assembly Hall.

"It's coming up," she stated, I nodded, The annual assembly, held on the last day of the year. November was on us now, filling the streets with colored leaves and gray sky.

"I won't be sitting with you this year," I muttered more to myself then her, I jammed my finger on the remote button, the TV flashing off.

I would no longer belong to my parents, I would be a ward of the state, just like everybody else. "Drew, you will be okay, just follow the rules," my mother drawled, starting the Speech she always gave to me. I nodded, pretending I was listening, but my mind was really tracking into Fantasy land as it always did.

I may be at home, but in my imagination, I was by a massive lake, watching the birds fly by, I had never been to a lake, but I had heard about them. I had heard that they all dried up.

"Tomorrow we are going into town, would you like to come and wait for you're father at the council building?" I glanced up at the mention of his name. I wanted to, but the thought twisted a knot in my stomach. I did not want my father to think I was weak, which was the reason I agreed to go.


Well here we are, happy Sunday everyone, and also the semester is almost over so I will have lots more time to ride.

Character development question, what do you think the characters biggest fear is

Drew's biggest fear?

I Will leave the answer in the next chapter.

Also what do you think will happen at the high Council building?

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