Chsotrt 5 pt 2

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"Are you all packed up," my mother questioned, leaning against the doorframe of my bedroom. I nodded, taking the place in as I lay on my bed, staring at a textbook from school.
"Focus on your studies when you go back," she continued.

"Yeah, I know," I deadpanned, glancing at the alarm clock that read 11:22 PM. My mother nodded in defeat, not making an effort to leave. I rolled over, facing away from her, as I heard my father's footsteps start up the stairs.

"Drew, face me," his Voice sounded through the empty Aire. I slumped my shoulders, rolling back over to meet his judge filled eyes. My mother leaned into his side, stealing glances at the pair of us, as we conducted our stare off.

"What is it father," I grumbled, leaning up on one elbow. My room wasn't large, my bed took up about half of it, a small desk pressed up against the window. My dresser stood at the foot of my bed, drawers piled high with clothes.

"You know what is coming up soon, and this year you are of age, you may have a chance of getting the attention of an elete, if you do.not then you will be given a calling, but Drew I am telling you, if you don't get one of the elites attention, then I will no longer claim you as mine, because I will know it was because you were not focused on things you were supposed to be."

My mother remained impassive, as my father shot these words at me. I slumped back down, leaving the air thick with tension. He wanted me to waste my life away with one of the elete, and if i didn't get one of them, then he would sell me to the orphan home. My life suddenly had taken a change, I was being thrown into a hole with no way out.

"I will father, I promise," my voice was weak, I hoped that it sounded convincing, however the wheels  in my head were turning, and I feared they might explode.

Light played through the window the next morning, my short stay had already ended.i rolled over, checking the time on my alarm clock.

7:42 AM.

The houses on the street all looked the same, but the insides of each were different. Our country wasn't trying for equality, everyone was their own person, but we wanted everyone to know their place.

That was what the grand assembly was for. This year I would be sitting on the stand with all the 16 year olds. I was not looking forward to it.

I could feel my fathers presents behind me before he spoke. "Breakfast will be given to you on the train, pack up, don't doddle," I nodded, not looking up to meet his gaze. He couldn't see me like this, I did not want him to know how much he affected me.

I could not be week in front of him.

"I'll be down in five minutes, I just, I just want to get everything together." He left without another word, and I paused and my packing. Letting my shoulders slump, I shrugged a breath, glancing around the room.

My room

I hope after the assembly, my parents wouldn't change it. I hoped no matter what, that they wouldn't forget me, k knew they wouldn't just act as though I didn't exist, but I hoped they wouldn't be happy to give me away.

My father looked at me with so much hopelessness, as though I was the worst thing that could have possibly happened to him. How can somebody look at their child like that? Was I really that much of a disappointment? I knew I was, I always have been. I never Obey the rules, I was so distracted with other things, I was not what a person was Supposed to be like.

I zipped up my bag, tossing it over my shoulder. I could hear my parents arguing in the kitchen, and I guessed it was about me. I cautiously entered into the kitchen, my eyes raking around the room, I knew I wasn't welcome around here anymore, my father had made that very clear.

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