Chap 16 p 3

12 3 3

"We found her horse, but she is not on it." Nathen and I did not get much time to relish in the magic of our own paradise before those voices came from above.

Nathen sprang to his feet, holding up a little light, and all the bugs whooshed back into the jar. I rose as well, a pit of dread opening up in my stomach, just like that my afternoon was ruined, no matter how hard I tried, I could never be with Nathen, that was not my story.

"Go, they are looking for you. And don't you dare tell anyone about this place." Blinking, I rushed to the latter, turning to look at him once more.

Nathen was leaned against the wall, a pained expression on his face. "You never wanted me dead, did you." Nathen laughed miserably, not meeting my eyes.

"Oh how much I wish you knew Lucille."

He turned away, leaving me to face my own fate. I peeked up from under the trap door, ignoring my thriving head and I disappeared into the trees collapsing once I found a place that I could hide. I then leaves onto my horse, starting in the opposite direction.

"I'm here, over here," I cried out, rubbing dirt on my legs and face to look more dismantled. I laid back against the tree, just as Conrad broke through the horizon, on a white horse. His eyes scanning until they latched onto me.

Conrad lept off his horse when he came upon me, tying the animal to a tree and striding over, panic evident in his ice blue orbs. I leaned back, attempting to be more hurt.

"Your hurt, how dare they put you on such a bad horse, my father will hear about this." Conrad slid both of his strong arms under me, carrying me bridal style over to the horse. There were no butterfly's to be had as there had been with Nathen.

Conrad jumpedon after me, and I laid my head against his back, closing my arms around him. I closed my eyes, and maybe if I dreamed enough, it would be Nathen who was on this horse with me.

"You were with him weren't you." Blinking I laid up, taking a breath as we came upon the house. Conrad and I had road in silence most of the way, I didn't mind though, because I was so tired I didn't really feel like talking.

"Who, I fell off my horse, I got hurt." Conrad laughed bitterly, slowing the horse completely, and jumping down, he assisted me in getting down, sliding his fingers down my arm, and tangling them with mine.

I followed his movement with my eyes, feeling rather uncomfortable. Conrad appeared rather skeptical, yanking me with him, and snapping at someone to take the horse.

"Ouch your hurting me, slow down." He didn't loosen his vice grip on my wrist, I nearly slammed into him when he suddenly wheeled around, his blue pools so dark they were almost gray, but nothing like another pair of eyes I had grown so fond of.

"I searched that spot a million times, and I didn't see you, I'm not blind nor dumb, now where were you." He barked that out so forceful I took a step back, afraid he might do something else.

Oh how much I wished I was with Nathen. Conrad scrubbed his other hand through his hair a second time in frustration. I told myself to stay strong, I was better then this. From now on I would think for myself, nobody could tell me what to do or say. I was my own person, I was the master of my own fate.

"I told you I fell down and got hurt, I fell asleep because I was hurt." I hoped my words were not weak, I did not want to appear less then him, he could not scream at me without getting a taste of his own medison.

"Tell me the truth, he told you to say that, well I guess I will have to never let you out of my sight." I stared at him, with naked hatred, why couldn't he just let me be happy, if he really cared about me, then he would want me to be free.

"I already told you," I shot back, very much wanting this conversation to be over. I pushed past him, starting up the stairs, unfortunately Conrad had a different idea.

"Where are you going," I heard his voice declare from behind me, as his fingers once again laced around my arm. Breathe, don't get mad, you can't act flustered he can't know you were with Nathen.

"To the library," I stated, deciding that reading would be the best thing to cool me off. Conrad snaked his arm around me, a rakish grin taking over his features.

"Then I'm coming with you." I made sure my expression turned to something happy, hoping my smile didn't appear to fake. "I've been thinking that we needed to have a talk anyway."

"I thought this was a talk," I uttered back, pulling his arm off of me. I was done playing his game,, whatever he was trying to get at me, I was done. Banish me, I don't care, I was going to leave, maybe I'd hide in that spot I had found today, it was better then this.


Hi all, I hope you enjoyed this update sorry it has been so long since I have written on the story.

What do you think of this chapter? What do you think will happen next?

Love you all

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