Ch 9 p 1

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I tried not to act to suspicious that I was staying late after the dance. Blair and Greg walked out together, a clown smile on Blair's face, she was more happy then she had ever been.

Shya walked out with Mason and Allice, a sour look on her face as she passed me, I ignored her, walking off a bit.

I lingered in the doorway scanning the crowd for a pair of gray eyes, where had he gone, was he playing  me?

Everyone seamed to have gone, and I sat alone, the teachers and everyone closing up for the night. I buried my face in my hands, everyone's voices playing in my head, one after another, the faces appearing with them.

Blair and I used to make up stories about who we would merry when we were younger.

I met her the first day when I went to school, I was walking around the school, scared out of my mind, everyone else looked so much older then I, I was about to ask an older girl for help when Blair came up behind me holding two cookies.

I felt someone slide down next to me, lifting my head, I caught a sight of that face, those gray eyes so deep, I didn't know how I had the will power to look away.

"Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime Drew Stetson?" He questioned, holding out a hand, I took it with gusto, jumping to my feet as we dashed off around a corner.

"Let the games begin Nathen noname," I teased, a huge grin plastered on my face. He wheeled his head around, his grin matching mine.

I was out of my mind, but I loved every second of it, as I broke every rule in the book, holding back nothing now.

"You have a bike," I questioned, when we were out on the streets, only the light of a streetlamp illuminating our path. He laughed in return, letting his guard down and showing me his real self. I studied every detail that the bike possessed, from its bright green paint to the mettle handle bars. I had only read about these contraptions, but never in my life had I ever seen one. "Where did you get it?" I questioned once again, all I ever did was ask him things, but I couldn't help it, he left me wondering.

"I made it," Nathen admitted, a proud smirk on his perfectly carved face. I glanced at him with admiration fingering the handlebars. I couldn't believe he had done something so amazing.

"This is amazing," I breathed, etching to climb on. I knew I couldn't ride one, nobody had ever taught me how. Nathen laughed, leaning forward as he took in his own creation.

"Would you like to ride it," he questioned, stars dotting darkened sky around us. My stomach did a somersault as I noted, I had never dreamed of getting up on one of these.

"Could I," I cheered, my grin growing ever wider at this sudden news, he laughed heartily, holding the bike steady as I climbed aboard, my legs shaking with nerves.

"Don't worry, I won't let go," he breathed, his voice so soft I barely heard it, I nodded, taking hold of the handle bars, as I pushed a foot on the pettle, the bike moving slightly. I beamed, sailing off from the curb, Nathen holding on the back of the bike.

I had never felt free a day in my life, and it was the most amazing feeling ever.

"Do you love it," I could hear the grin in his voice as the wind whipped against my face, I nodded, my mind unable to form words.

We stopped the bike a while later, crashing down on the grass. I leaned back, not caring that the bus had already left without me, I wouldn't get in trouble, because some other students were staying in the city until the grand Assembly in two weeks.

My stomach bubbled up with nerves, that meant one week until Shia and I went head to head,

"What are you thinking about," Nathen questioned, laying completely down on the grass. I did the same, mindlessly counting the stars.

"The grand Assembly," I admitted, stealing a glance at his shadowed face. He nodded, not saying anything as we lay under the sky that went on forever. Everyone might be separated by class, rank and any other Barrier, but each person looks up to the same sky.

Difference is only a matter of opinion, one can create their own normal

"Have you ever wondered if this is how everyone lives," I suddenly spoke, propping myself up on one elbow. Nathen turned to me, his expression one of thought. I turned away, realizing that I was the only one who thought like that, everyone else was content with their places and I should be ashamed to think like that. "Never mind, sorry," I mumbled out, a pit forming in my stomach.

I must have grown comfortable with the thought that Nathen shared the same views as me. He may eat with the red plate to break the norm, but he was the presidents son after all, and I had to watch myself around him.

One day he would choose someone, and I would just be a memory in his mind.

"I would like to think they do, but I know otherwise, the world is a large place, surely everyone can't." His elbow brushed mine as he leaned over to pull out a few blades of grass. I let my mind ponder on his words, as I laid  back, listening to the sounds of Nathen breaking the pieces of grass apart, until my eyes fell shut, and I was overtaken with sleep.


Which ships do you guys have

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