Chapter 17

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Conrad put guards outside my door, and locked me in. All the hope that I would see Nathen had vanished to nothing, as I lay in bed, my heart sinking into my new reality.

I sat there, the light snores of the guard outside my door making it impossible for me to fall asleep.

I focused my thoughts to stay away from a certain person, as I closed my bright green eyes, my dark hair a mess against my pillow. That's when a thought surfaced to my mind, how come the elete boys knew so much about me?

I glanced over, my eyes latching onto the moon that hung high in the sky, it was a small crescent moon, we had learned all the phases in my 8th year, the year that Shya and I had sat by each other in school.

Knock knock knock

I nearly jumped, my mind finally placing the sound that had taken over the mear silence. The room was still, a soft light cascading over my bed from the moon.

"W who is it?" My voice seamed distant when I spoke, assuming that it was the guard checking up on me. Deciding that was what it was, I laid back, my heart jumping at the thought of a what if.

What if it was Nathen rescuing me?

I had nearly shut my eyes, when my door slid open, almost silent, I would have slept straight through it, but I had always been a very light sleeper.i turned my head, my voice catching in my throat as a hooded figure, that resembled a guard slipped in, pressing a finger to their lips.

I sat up, my eyes and brain attempting to place who this person was, they were shorter then Nathen, and the realization hit me hard.

I wasn't going to be rescued after all.

"Drew, it's me, Greg, hurry get up, we don't have much time." My eyebrows shot skyward, what was Greg doing here? I shot out of bed, rushing to him.

"What are you doing here?" He hushed Me again, throwing a cape over my head as he started arranging the bed in a way that made it appear that I was still asleep.

He mouthed Nathens name, and somehow I was able to read his lips in the dim light, my own lips turning up into a smile. He really had come for me.

We both froze when we heard footsteps from outside the door. "Come on, there are guards outside the window, so you must be as quiet as you can, I will go first and distract them, then you run left, where Nathen is waiting with a horse."

I nodded, pushing something against the door just as Greg cracked the window open, peering down, the guards sat at the bottom of the window, talking to each other, they were very much awake.

Taking a breath in, I watched as Greg dropped something down, hitting one of the men successfully in the head. That caused the men to notice that someone was in my room, which they most likely assumed was me, Greg then jumped into the tree, and I watched as he scrambled down, disappearing from my view.

I guess this was it, my brain screamed at me, as I heard them take after Greg, I paced toward the window peering down. Nobody no longer was there, I then placed my foot on the branch, pulling myself out. It was higher then I thought. I scrambled to the bottom, , the skin on my hands no longer in tact.

I wiped the blood against my cloak, my eyes raking over the premasous before I scampered toward the direction Greg had directed.

My feet slammed against the uneven ground, the thumping of my heart enough to pull me toward, I wasn't watching where I was going, focused more on the fact to get as far away from the house as I could.

My head pounded, my hands throbbed,-!; I was very much out of breath. There was no light source aside from the moon, which didn't help much. Stars were blanketed by clouds, resulting in their illumination being minimal.

I slammed into something hard, my breath hitching in my chest, my first instinct was to push away, I needed to get away from this guard and keep going.

The persons arms closed in around me, but I still struggledto free myself, my breaths uneven and ragged. "P please let me go," I croaked, my eyes were squeezed shut, as the fear ran free in my trembling body. Conrad would be here any second. "P please, I p promise I will go right back to bed, I just," the persons strong hands slid down my arms to my bleeding hands that were crumpled into fists as they struggled to shove the figure away.

"Shhhhh, Drew it's okay, it's okay, it's just me, Nathen." My hands froze, as I let my words fall into the silence, my heart still hammering, I allowed to let my eyes open. "It's okay," his smooth coaxing voice whispered into my hair.

My heart slowed to a steady Beat, and I lifted my head up to meet his concerned eyes, they were no longer guarded, as he stared back down at me.

"You really came," I whispered, Nathens arms circling around me again. He latched his hands together behind my back, and in that moment, I felt safe, my head pressed against his chest,his heart beating just as fast as mine.

"Of course I did, Conrad doesn't get all your attention," Nathen teased hopping up onto the horse, I climbed up after him, a slight smirk playing at my lips as we road off.

Never in my life had I felt so free, and it was about time that I took action for my own life. I was no longer that weak girl that would submit to anyone's declarations, I had a mind of my own.

"You have no idea how happy I am about this," I grinned, wanting to jump for joy. Nathen chuckled, urging the horse forward into a gallop as we grazed the country side.

"Where are we going," I questioned, tightening my grip around him, he leaned back into me, and I could tell he was smiling.

"You'll know soon enough." I laughed, which was something I hadn't done in a long time. Oh how much I would miss him when it was time to choose a partner, but for now I would focus on the moment, because I knew it wouldn't last long.

"Nice jail break," I hooted, the darkness swirling around us, I tilted my head up to gaze at the misty gray black sky. We were far from town now, not a person or building in sight.

"Let's never go back," I declared, not knowing how he would respond, but I didn't care, because I knew for sure that I was never returning. Nathen snickered at my request, bringing the horse to a stop.

He turned his head to face me, his eyes twinkling with mischief "Drew, I do believe I have brought you to the dark side."

His laughter died when his eyes landed on my arm that still sat around him. He lifted my wrist, his fingers tracing the bracelet that Conrad had given to me.

"Where did you get this?" His eyes went cold as he stared at me, and I froze, I had forgotten that I had that bracelet.

"Conrad, he gave it to me."

Nathen unwound it from my arm, shaking his head in discust, "it's a tracker, a freaking tracker" he pulled my arms around him again, directing the horse onward. "We have got to keep going, that jerk." Nathen grumbled something under his breath, "these are unbreakable, I can't believe this, how come you didn't tell me this before?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know, I am new to all of this, calm down, it can't be that bad, right?" I felt Nathen relax under my grasp, he stared ahead, my neck aching from my fall earlier, and I gave into what my heart desired, letting my head fall forward onto Nathens back, a lazy smile taking over my features, because at the moment he was all mine, no Shya, no Alice, just me, and boy did it feel nice.

We road on and on, until Nathen thought it was far enough, he chucked the bracelet, taking another road back to where we had gone before.


Ooooo, they have escaped finally, what do you think?

I'm so excited about writing this chapter, I absolutely loved it.

What do you think will happen next?

I hope you enjoyed, and I will try and update again as soon as I can. College and my service around town has been creating a tough schedule for me but I will try and get back into it as soon as possible.

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