Chap 14 p 2

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My clammy hands hastily lifted the window, night air once again crashing into my skin, as I drank in the sight of my killer, who somehow had gotten to my window.

"If you move a muscle, I'll scream, I swear." Nathans expression didn't change, he just sat there, his scent so familiar, something I would never forget.

"How could you believe them," his voice was barely above a whisper, as he captivated me once again with those dark pools. His breaths mingled in with mine, everything else around us still, as though there were a time bomb ready to go off.

"I saw you there," I attempted to sound tough, but right when those words slipped out, my facade vanished away. Nathen leaned his head against the side of the wall, his eyes never leaving mine, as though this were the last time he would see me, but for all I knew, it was.

"They forced me there, it was an act, I promise, I would never," I cut him off, shoving a hand to his mouth, just as the light flickered on in the hallway.

"Is everything okay Miss Stetson?" Blinking, I jerked my hand away, dashing over to the door, my heart thumping in my chest.

I could tell it was the grumpy laundry made, based on her voice. "Y yes, Sorry, I was just getting dressed."

The maid said nothing, but her answer came from her echoing footsteps, that continued down the hallway. I hoped she had bought my act, as I tip toed back to the window, hoping Nathen couldn't hear my uneven breaths.

"You lied to me this whole time, how could you, I trusted you, " I, remembered the words that Conrad had spoken to me earlier, that he cared about me, yet I was talking to the man who tried to harm me.

"What is that," blinking, I followed Nathens gaze down to the diamond encrusted bracelet that sat on my wrist, a guilty smile playing at my lips.

"Conrad gave it to me, and if you dare try and steal it, I will push the alarm right now." Nathens expression didn't change, as he stared at it, as though it were poison.

"That's a tracker, how dare he." It took a moment for Nathens words to sink in, a shiver running down my spine as they did. Conrad would never do that, and I was stupid for ever believing the lies Nathen spat at me.

"How dare you, and to think I trusted you at one point," my words were cut off as the door was thrust open, my head snapping around to see three faces come into view, Conrad, his father and Greg?

"What are you doing here?" I jerked my head around to get Nathens response, in a matter of seconds Nathen had climbed through the window and stood at his full height, a good few inches taller then Conrad.

"I'm done with this whole thing, I'm done playing these games, it's high time we told her the truth." My whole body went stiff at the mention of those words, what were they talking about?

Conrad laughed, and at that moment, my mind told me there was something he wasn't telling me. Maybe Nathen was telling me the truth, there were so many things I didn't know anymore.

"Conrad, what is he talking about?" I strode up to him, standing next to my hero for support.

"He's lying, this man is a master manipulator, and he has you under his spell," Conrad blurted, stepping in front of me. Nathens stony gaze burned into Conrads, and I knew there was more to this then just me.

" you hypocrite, after all I have done for you, this is what you do, I thought we had come to an agreement, but I know now that you are not to be trusted, I was an idiot for believing you in the first place. I'm leaving."

Nathen was just about to start out the window when Conrad stopped him, yanking him up by the back of his shirt, my breath hitching.

Conrad's father was over there in seconds, a hiss escaping Nathens lips, as he was jerked to the side by his bleeding arm. I stood there, helpless, as my eyes latched with Greg's, he sat there in complete silence as though he were watching a movie or reading this scene in a Book.

"Don't touch him, stop at once, you are going to hurt him," I cried out, my words falling loose in the air, as though they hadn't been said at all. " he is the presidents son." My legs moved coward before my brain had a chance to catch up.

I stood to the side of them, Nathens betrayed expression enough to tell me that I had been manipulated, and Conrad had been faking this whole time, but why?

I had been choosing between them as though I had a choice, when really I couldn't have either of them, not honestly and not truthfully.

Nathen didn't love me, and Conrad had just wanted to toy with me, as though I were a game.

"She doesn't care about you, she loves me, look at her standing there as though you are nothing to her." Conrad's words cut through my brain, leeching me out of my inner battle. Nathen lay on the floor, his eyes shut he lay there almost piece full.

I said nothing as they dragged him away, Greg following, before the door shut once again, the only trace of the nights events left was the open window, and a new realization, that this world was not as simple as it seemed.

You can't have order without trust and loyalty.


Wow, what a chapter, what do you think of this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it, and sorry about the long wait.

You are all amazing, and thank you so much for the support through this journey

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