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Something about the car smelled As though I had encountered this sent before. It was a mix between musky cologne andmint. It was almost pleasant.

I heard the driver mumble something, slamming on the breaks, which sent my head crashing against the window. I remained silent, every inch of my body on fire, all I could do was wait.

They had roped my arms and legs, leaving me in the back seat, as they sprung from the car, leaning the drivers door hanging open.

"Did you kidnap her, I demand you return her at once." I lept for joy at those words, releasing a breath I didn't know I had been holding.

"She isn't with us," a Monotone voice hissed back, the men grew closer,my hero inches away from me. He spoke again, and my jaw fell open at the voice.

Conrad was my hero, he had come all this way to rescue me. My mind begged to pound on the window, to let him know that these men had indeed taken me.

"Fine, take her, but I was under Nathens  orders to have her killed." When he spoke those words, they held no meaning, a cluster of phrases, until one puts meaning to them.

Nathen wanted to have me killed?

Nathen was the bad guy?

I might have been kidnapped, and laying in the back of a car, but instead of attempting to escape, I just sat there, replaying all the things he had said to me.

I want to find a place away from here

I could feel the leather bound book, that cut against my skin, a reminder of him.

If I ever escaped, I would find a way to burn it

I was nothing to him, everything that he had done for me meant nothing to him.

I was sprung out of my thoughts as the door flung open, voices crowding my senses, the cloth was removed from my eyes, and I came into contact with Conrad, he stood there, his eyes studying my features, before he broke out of his daze.

"Drew, are you ok, let me get you out of here," I didn't have a chance to respond, before he whisked away, my skin delighting at his touch. I blinked rapidly, my mind spinning, but I didn't miss someone I never thought I would see.

He stood off to the side,as though he hoped nobody would see him, I barely made out his face, shadowed, I wouldn't have known it was him, until I latched onto those gray eyes.

I had been telling myself that it might be a lie, maybe he didn't want me gone, but now my worries had been confirmed. I never wanted to see Nathen again. I laid back, Conrad's rapped heartbeat blending in to the sounds of the night.

He placed me into the passenger seat of a silver car, his signature smell wafting my nose. "I didn't know you had a car," I remarked, my voice trembling. He revved up the engine, his ocean blue eyes  masked while he gazed at me longer then he ever had before.

"Are you okay," I pressed a minute later, after receiving no answer to my previous question. He darted his gaze up, chuckling awkwardly as he pulled away from the scene, strumming his fingers against the wheel.

"I'm just glad you are safe," he admitted turning to glance at me again. I nodded to myself, my heart shattering even harder, it should be dancing for joy after what he just said, but it wasn't. I would never be fine again, Nathen had changed his opinion of me, and I would never know why. He was standing there an hour ago, he had been saying something until Mason had ruined it.

Maybe he was going to try and push me off the side of the building, and Conrad had wanted me to come to the Lake right away so I wouldn't be hurt. I jerked my gaze to him, my mind shifting into a new set of thoughts.

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