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"Don't leave," I whispered, "there has to be another way." Nathen disentangled himself from me, leaving one arm wrapped around me. The weight from his arm was the Comfort  I didn't know I needed.

We would probably get hypothermia from this rain, but I didn't care.. I was with him at this moment and that was all that mattered. "Drew, after we were caught the first time, they  wanted to kill you, they were going to right then and there, but I threaten to destroy the whole System they had created, I knew how to. Then they decided to make you forget me. They said if you ever remembered me, they would end you, right away."

Nathen lowered his head into his hands, I didn't know what to say or do, I knew I had forgotten, but I had thought it was because of the fact I hit hit my head or something, not because somebody had purposely caused me to forget.

"You mean, they can make me loose my memory, and nobody knows about this, is this why I couldn't remember who you were, but I knew who everyone else was."

Nathen nodded, his hands shaking as he drew closer to me, inch by inch, the rain creating a soft melody,"I'm not letting you stay here, I'm sending you away on that machine, at least you will be free." His face was inches away from mine.

"No, you can't, you will be killed, Nathen, I," he cut me off, clapping a hand over my mouth, he jerked his head to the side, darting his eyes around to scout for any prying eyes or ears.

"Shhhhhh, I have already made up my mind, I can manage, and it's already been planned." Nathen slipped the small leather bound book into my hands, and a tiny firefly pin. I lifted my eyes up to stare at him. He was giving up His freedom for me.

"Conrad is in on it, he will come and get you close to midnight, trust me, he  knows where to go, I won't be there, my father will be watching my every move, he will take you there and you will go, then in the morning when I go with my father the machine will no longer be there."

"Nathen how did you get him to do this, you can't give up your dream for me. Did you blackmail him to get him to do it, How do you know he will take me there."

Nathen leaned closer to me, and I could smell his signature cologne, I needed to remember it, I needed to remember him. We were both soaked, rain and tears dripping down my face.

"Don't worry about what I did to get him to agree, it's your only chance Drew, please don't question," he jumped up, when we heard a sound in the distance, Nathen pulling me up so fast, I almost slammed into his hard chest. I could feel his heart beat from where my hand sat against his heart.

I was about to protest when Nathen captured my lips with his, quick but gentle. I shut my eyes as his kiss silenced my thoughts, but it was gone as quick as it came, Nathens once warm arms replaced with the chilled dribbling rain.

I opened my eyes to see him walking off, his shadow vanishing around the corner.
"Don't forget me," his words echoed in my head, "don't forget me don't forget me don't forget me."

"You gave up your spot for him didn't you," I cried after him. He had given up his spot as the presidents son so Conrad could smoothly slide into it. That's how he had gotten him to agree.

Then when his father took him to go on the machine in the morning it would no longer be there and Nathan would be banished, or more than banished, and Conrad would become the future president, he would rule this country and nobody would ever know about the truth, that the honest and true and rightful president had been thrown out for no reason.

They would all believe everything they heard like they always did, but there is always more to a story than meets the eye.

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