Ch 15 p 1

16 4 10

My eyes were glued to the golden handle of the door, that sat as though it were a time balm, ready to click,

Tick tick tick tick,

Funny how time travels so slowly when you wish so endearingly that it would speed up.

"Drew are you in here?" My heart jumped for joy at the voice that rang from the other side, it was Greg, wonderful friendly non confusing Greg.

"Greg, you have no idea how happy I am to see you. My relieved grin told it all, as the hair on the back of my neck settled down, and my heart left for a vacation. Thank goodness I would not see my death just yet.

Greg laughed awkwardly, "are you okay, you never came down to breakfast, and I was wondering if you had anything you wanted to talk about."

"Yes, Blair, have you heard any word, and sounds when did they let you here, I'm very confused." Greg snickered, looking away.

"I have to tell you something, I um, you can't tell anyone," he leaned against the wall, his eyes trained on me, until they dropped, focusing on something, I glanced down, to see that he was staring at my bracelet, it sat a symbol of mine and Conrad's love.

I Beamed with pride, staring back at Greg once again, he wavered, pulling a hand through his hair.

"I'm in love with you Drew Stetson," his voice almost sounded unnatural, as though he were just trying to fake something, but I let it pass as nerves.

Things remained still as We both remained silent, how was I supposed to respond to that, what was I supposed to do? We were not left to each other much longer however, before the alarm cut through the thick air.

Attention everyone, Nathen has escaped,if you catch sight of him report it immediately."

I was so caught up in that message that I didn't notice Greg had left until the door clicked shut in front of me.

I let myself fall into the bed once again, how much more of this. Could I take? I had always seen my country as a very safe and organized place, but beneath the facade it was a madhouse, a crazy horrible madhouse.

He was out there somewhere, but somehow I was not scared, somehow I knew he did not want me dead, if he did, then he would have killed me then and there.

Maybe Conrad mixed up the person who wanted to kill me with someone else. I would tell him as soon as I could.

My door was thrust open a moment later, to reveal a stout woman, with furry hair, and muddy brown eyes, she hobbled in, doing a once over of me before she simultaneously whipped up the bed sheets and blankets, leaving me in a pile of thoughts.

The games started today, and I needed to be at my best and brightest


Sorry about the super long wait on this chapter. I hope you enjoy it though.


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