Ch 3 pt 3

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"What happened to you're hand?" I turned my head around to meet Shya, she look thoroughly concerned, her perfectly sculptured face one of alarm.

I glanced down at my ruptured hand, the pain still present, it was the cause of my nonexistent-sleep the previous night. "It was from jumping, off the roof," I mumbled, very much wanting to climb back into bed and cry the days events away.

"You won't be going to classes, Miss drew, come with me." I jerked my face around, to nearly slam into a middle aged man, he seamed as though he rather be doing something else then tending to me. I walked behind him like a duckling following its mother.

"Where are we going?" I questioned, my stomach turning inside out as we walked deeper and deeper into the council building. I prayed that he would not take me into the tunnel, then it would definitely give me away.

"You will see, now silence." I clamped my mouth shut, ridding the air of what I was just about to say. My focus turned to the large paintings that lined the walls, ones from all different eras, women garnished in elegant gowns, and cascades of curls. Men in overalls and boots, working in the fields. 

"In here," He nearly shoved me in, I took in the room in front of me, an empty cell, with four brick lined walls, and only a small window. Was he really putting me in a cell?

I nearly fell to the floor, as the door locked shut, my life crumbling in before me. Were they going to have me perish here?

Droplets of water pooled in from the window, creating a slow rhythm. I leaned against the wall, pulling my knees up to my chest.

When I was little, I used to stare out the window at the rain, as it slid down the window seal, I used to race the drops, choosing the one I thought would beat the other to the bottom of the glass.

Little did I know that they were just sliding, and the competition was all in my head. I eyes fell shut, the pain in my hand slowing to a dull throb as I let my mind wander.

My eyes jumped open at the sound of a key turning, I turned, embarrassment falling onto my face at the sound of my father.

"My daughter, how dare you land yourself in here, I thought I taught you better then that." My father was right, he had taught me better, I had eaten with that plate because I was a horrible child, who deserved to stay in here forever. How could I even look at the man I had done wrong to.

"Sorry father," I mumbled out, gathering myself up. I followed him out of the cell, my heart jumping when we climbed the stairs up to the conference room.

The door was shut when we arrived, my father fingering a key, and heaving it into the lock with gusto. Why was he acting so anxious?

The door fell open, my breath hitched at what I saw inside.


Happy November everyone, thank you for all of the reeds.

Who do you think it behind the door and what do you think her punishment will be?

Thank you for all of the support and I will update soon. Voteand comment

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