Chapter 7 p2

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I felt completely out of place, as I sat like a white elephant in the seat next to Conrad. Right when I had taken a seat, his gray eyes had fallen upon me.

He sat across the table from me, Allison seated proudly next to him. She seamed to not care about Conrad, as she took all the pleasure in talking to Nathen.

"Everyone, this is Drew," Conrad declared shooting me a cheeky grin. I could feel a pair of dark brown eyes on me from down below, shya sat with my usual group, jealousy written all over her face.

She spooned at her oatmeal, whispering with the rest of the girls. I focused back on the people at my table. Mason was grinning, and Nathens face was void of any emotion.

Had Allison invited him to sit with us?

Did she know about Conrad?

I was so into my own thoughts, I didn't even notice the whole table was watching me.

"Um, s sorry What?" I wanted to mold into the chair right about now, as I watched Allice hide her laugh with a cough. I would never make part of the elete. However, as soon as my father found out about the competition against Shya and I, he would not Disown me.
"I was just saying how smart you are, and wondering how you can ace a test the way you do." Conrad shot me a lopsided grin, speaking loud enough so only I could hear. "Now all you have to do is ace my test." I didn't dare glance at him, as I picked at my food, not missing how Nathens jaw clenched.

Alice didn't seam to mind, as she took every opportunity to bat her long lashes, and twirl her hair.

"I guess I care a great deal about my studies," I stated lambly, feeling like a dear in headlights, as question after question was shot at me.

Nathen said nothing to me, making an effort to ignore me as he made conversation with Mason and Allice. Conrad laughed and added words in at all the right pauses, bringing me into the conversation time and time again.

If only my father knew I was at this table, I wondered what he would do.

We scattered when breakfast came to a close, I took my time getting my things together, a part of me hoped that Nathen would say something to me, acknowledge the fact that I was at this table, but he said nothing, and that left a strange feeling in me.

I couldn't pay attention as the teacher prattled on about the government and the history. I didn't answer any questions, no longer could I go an hour without one of their faces appearing in my brain, it was as though I were under a spell.

Definitely not a love spell though

Who am I kidding, both of them make me have feelings I never knew existed.

School came to a close that evening, and I spotted Shya leaning against a tree, her face in a book.

It was about time I talked to her, she had been ignoring me the whole day, so with gusto I took up my things and made my way in her direction.

"You've been ignoring me, and I want to know why." I placed my hands on my thin hips, watching her expectantly. She glanced up, slamming her book shut.

I was taken aback by her new found courage. Shya had always been a quiet girl, much like Blair, but when she opened up to you, she was very smart and quick wired.

"Because you are trying to steal him, when a guy takes interest in me for once, you take him." What was she talking about, it wasn't me, it was Conrad who had made it appear that I had snuck onto his table.

"That's not true, and you know we have to compete, I care about you, you are my friend," she cut me off, appearing as though the last thing she wanted to do was talk to me.

"Your friend Blair is coming, you better go off with her, and never speak to me again." I sparred  her one last glair before turning on my heel and stocking off.

She was very mistaken, and I had to get to the bottom of this, I didn't want to lose my close friend, even if Marriage stood in the way.

"I heard that you've been bribing Conrad," Blair spat, crossing her arms. I stopped in my tracks, gawking at my best friend.

"And who told you that," I hissed, feeling my heart shatter faster then I could say rumor killer.

"Well, I don't believe it, but you know, you have been spending lots of time with him, you know, and, um, you don't."

"Why are you second guessing me, who told you that," my voice shook, Alice's face appearing in my mind. I knew it had to be her.

"I heard it from Delia, she was telling a group of the 17s that she saw you and him in the hall the other day, and Shya ran off."

I was in the hall, but I was not bribing him. I needed to watch my step from now on.

I looked around the school with new found eyes, I didn't know being with Conrad had such an impact on my friends.


Well there you have it, a double update.

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Why do you think all her friends are acting so weird about her being with Conrad?

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