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Her gaze drifted towards the snow-covered trees and ground, and she narrowed her eyes to spot any other human besides her but like always she found none

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Her gaze drifted towards the snow-covered trees and ground, and she narrowed her eyes to spot any other human besides her but like always she found none. It was the sixth day of her stay in this house and she realised she was in the middle of nowhere, definitely miles away from where she lived before.

She couldn't help but tremble, not only at the biting cold but also because of the terror that coursed through her body. She didn't have any escape. She was going to suffer and eventually die in this unknown land because he was the only one who could let her go and that surely wasn't anytime soon.

He had kept his promise and stayed away but that was crushing her. Sadness ate her from within and guilt like no other engulfed her everytime she recalled the look on his face.

He looked wounded and she didn't know what to believe anymore. If she wasn't here for sex, why would he bring her to his house? Then again, he could have taken advantage of her when she was drunk and unconscious, it would have been so much easier for him but he hadn't.

She wanted him to leave her alone but now that he left, she couldn't decipher why she felt so disappointed. And the lonely days made her feel even guiltier.

Sighing, she shut the window and drew the drapes before climbing on the bed and pulling the thick blankets all the way up her head. She rubbed her palms together to generate heat and pressed them to her reddened cheeks. Her nose was already freezing and her fever was as strong as yesterday.

Lisa had provided the meds along with her meals but she couldn't eat the food without feeling burdened and selfish. She had blamed him and now she was enjoying his money. It wasn't right.

A knock resonated around her and she peeked through the covers to see Lisa enter with a lunch tray. She sat up and smiled which Lisa returned with a small smile of her own. "Someone's here to see you."

"Who?" Uneasiness washed over her at the thought of meeting another stranger.

"Sir's friend. Don't worry, he just wants to speak to you." Lisa must have noticed the look on her face, for she tried to assure her before leaving but that did nothing to ease the tension growing in the pit of Anaya's stomach. She didn't know anyone here, so what did he want to talk?

She nodded slowly to no one in particular and watched a man, no older than twenty-five walk inside the room. He was dressed in khaki pants and buttoned up blue shirt and she found herself staring up at his handsome face but what surprised her was, she didn't feel anything for him when he smiled down at her.

"I'm Nick Hayden, that dickhead's best friend."

She wanted to smile back but her heart dropped at the mention of the stranger. "Hello, I'm Anaya Bloomfield."

He nodded and looked at her intently which had her fidget and squirm uncomfortably.

"I don't know what happened because he refuses to tell me but I think it has something to do with you," he finally spoke, slicing the awkward air which had started to suffocate Anaya, but his tone wasn't accusing or blaming. He sounded curious, worried in fact.

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