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"Alright." He sighed. "The origin of werewolves is still a mystery because every piece of evidence available states a different story. But basically, it's an evolutionary process to survive the changing conditions of the environment."

"That's it? No magic involved?" To say she was disappointed would be an understatement, this wasn't interesting at all.

He chuckled. "You can ask Nicholas or better so refer to the books in the library for more information. You may find a story or two that satisfies you."

"There's a library nearby?" she asked, her eyes wide and bright with excitement. Had she known this before, she wouldn't have had to sit in this boring room all day.

"Yes, the room next to my office."

"You have a library in your house?" She could not hide her surprise.

Icarus nodded and pushed a stray tendril of hair behind her ear. "Now, hush and listen to me. So, as I told you earlier, I'm the Alpha of the Imperial pack, which means I'm the leader. Nicholas, the Beta, whom you've already met is the second in command. He serves as my right hand. He has to take over in my absence. Mason, the third in command or Gamma, is the pack warrior in charge of the security and safety of the pack. There's a packhouse where all the werewolves live as a family, but those who prefer privacy can have their own house."

"Like you."


"Are there more werewolves?"

He nodded. "Like humans, we are scattered all across the world."

"Oh?" Her eyes nearly bulged out hearing the newly discovered information. "How come we know nothing about you guys?"

"Your government does know about the creatures of day and night since we all have signed a peace treaty, and having sworn to secrecy, they cannot expose any of us."

"There are more creatures?"

"Vampires, Witches, Demons, Elves, Fairies, Angels, Nymphs, Gargoyles, Shadows, and the list goes on."

"Oh my god!" She squealed, leaning closer to his side. This was more than amazing. Who knew the mere mythical creatures in story books would become her reality? "Can I please meet the witches, fairies, and Angels? I grew up reading about them."

"Angels rank higher than us so we aren't permitted to contact them. Rest, yes, being equal and friends, I can arrange something in the future."

"Oh, that's fine with me." She squeezed his hand in hers and smiled happily.

He smiled back. "We have a pack doctor who is called healer. Imperial pack has two healers, Mr. and Mrs. Hans." She nodded as he continued to explain. "We believe and worship the Moon Goddess. She guides us to the good throughout our lives."

"So, did she tell you that I'm your soulmate?"

He shook his head in exasperation. "She paired the compatible souls to unite and become one. I know it's hard to believe but she had it all sorted. You were meant to be mine and you are here."

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