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Casey had just disappeared

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Casey had just disappeared. Anaya couldn't find her anywhere in the house and when she raised her concern to Icarus, he let her know that she'd gone to get her belongings and bid goodbye to her pack members. Anaya hadn't seen them talk nor had she seen her leave, which made her think if that woman had toyed with Icarus' mind again. It distressed her to no end. She didn't like the thought of anyone possessing that sort of ability. It was downright immoral and terrifying.

Anaya wanted to tell Icarus what Casey had revealed to her, but she didn't know how to broach the matter. Casey had been allowed into the Imperial pack only after the verification. She was found decent. On top of that, Anaya had scouted the entire library and hadn't found a single thing about werewolf manipulating minds, all the more reason to stay silent and think about her next step carefully. If Casey got a whiff of what was running through Anaya's mind, she'd probably twist her thoughts or erase her memory. Anaya couldn't let that happen.

"Did you understand this part?" 


"Darling." He studied her face. Her eyebrows were furrowed in deep concentration while she stared at the laptop screen but somehow he could tell she wasn't present in the office. "You look distracted."

She blinked up at him and shook her head. "Sorry, I was thinking."


"My responsibility as the Queen," she lied swiftly. She had no other option right now. She needed to speak to Casey first and gather all the information.

"Too much?" He touched her face, tucking a stray tendril behind her ear. "Let's continue tomorrow then."

"No, it's okay!" When he didn't appear too convinced, worry still etched on his chiselled features, she let out a small sigh and clasped his hand in hers. "I swear, I'll focus this time."

He nodded, maintaining his gaze on her. "As I was saying, every three months, I receive reports from Alphas all over the globe. These reports give an overview of economic condition, events, population, mortality, and natality rate, income, investments, and consumption pattern of each pack."

"Sounds like a lot of work."

"It is. Reading the reports and comparing them with the previous ones to discern if the scenario is as smooth as before is quite a task to accomplish. That's the reason reports are sent once in three months and not every month. It gives me enough time to go through them. In the past, Nicholas assisted me but now that you're here, we can finish them together, alright with you?

"Definitely." Anaya smiled at him. "So, werewolves know what Email is?"

"Of course. But I have instructed the Alphas to use Email only to make emergency requests. Otherwise, they are to submit regular reports by airmail. It takes about five days to arrive here."

Her eyes widened. "Oh, wow."

He chuckled. "All the Alphas aren't as tech-savvy as we are. I could ask them to choose the means that is most convenient for them but that is kinda messy, half reports via email, another half via airmail. I wouldn't know if they have an emergency that requires quick action."

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