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Anaya flipped the book close and stretched her body across the couch, smiling from ear to ear

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Anaya flipped the book close and stretched her body across the couch, smiling from ear to ear. The main characters lived happily ever after, but she was left feeling hollow. She wanted more chapters, which would never be possible unless the author decided to publish a sequel in the future. With a long sigh, she slid the book back into its original place on the shelf and walked with a spring in her step to Icarus' office.

It was nearly time for dinner, and she was starving. She knocked on the door before pushing it open. Her lips parted, and she felt the ground beneath her slip at the sight of Gina sitting across Icarus's lap. They had their arms around each other.  She was kissing him like there was no tomorrow, and from the looks of it, he was responding just as eagerly. Gina tilted her head and smirked, throwing a wink at Anaya.

She staggered back, gasping for breath. Tears welled up in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. She bolted from the room like she'd been burned. She didn't know where she was going, but she found herself leaning against the door of her room. Her legs gave out and she tumbled to the floor. The scene unfolded in front of her eyes, inflicting pain like no other. Her heart was racing at an abnormal rate and she couldn't breathe. If this was how heartbreak felt, then she did not want to experience it. It was tearing her insides apart.

She couldn't believe it. She refused to. But she also couldn't just ignore what she saw. Eyes never lied, words did. Icarus lied. Every time he expressed his love, he was betraying her trust. And she was a fool to believe him.

How could he?

Her head pounded, and rage obscured her sadness. She should have confronted him, but here she was crying for someone who did not deserve her tears. Taking a deep breath, she wiped her cheeks and stood up as the door opened, colliding with her back and forcing her forward from the impact. She winced, her arms flailing at her sides in an attempt to grasp something. Fortunately, Icarus' arms caught around her midriff, pulling her against his chest.

"Shit, sorry. Are you okay?" He rubbed his palm against her head, smoothing out her hair.

Anaya froze. His concern confused her. His hold, his touch, and everything about his presence made no sense. 


She took a step away and turned around. "I saw you, Icarus. I saw you with her."

"Huh?" It was then he noticed her tear-stained cheeks and puffy eyes. "Why were you crying? Did someone say something to you?"

Did he not realise she had seen them?

"You were with Gina in your office. Don't deny."

"What?" He shook his head. "I was upstairs with Immanuel."

"Stop," she said. "Stop lying to me. You were kissing her."

His brows furrowed in confusion. "Immanuel dropped Ellie off and came to hang out. We were in the game room. I didn't bother you because you were engrossed in a book."

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