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It was white everywhere, the snow falling restlessly

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It was white everywhere, the snow falling restlessly. The smell of grief and death clung to the air, making Anaya scrunch up her nose. She shivered and tightened her arms around herself when a gust of cold air brushed against her bare skin. She couldn't fathom why she was outside, that too in a dress that did nothing to warm her up. 

"It's finally time," someone spoke in her ear, their words echoing in her head like tidal waves crashing against the seashore. Her back straightened, and she frantically looked around for the source of the voice, but the land was deserted.

With the back of her hand, she wiped a snowflake from her eyebrow before heading down an unfamiliar path, hoping to find Icarus.

"You must do it," the voice whispered again, this time so close, she could feel its presence behind her. A hand caressed her hair, the touch oddly pleasant. She whipped around to see a flash of blue vanish into thin air. 

Anaya was startled awake, her heart beating erratically in her chest. She picked up the glass of water from the nightstand and gulped it down to soothe her parched throat. Leaning back against the headboard, she pondered over those words but they made no sense. Lately, her mind had been so preoccupied with the thoughts of the beast, it was every bit possible for her fears to manifest in her dreams, she reasoned to herself and sighed deeply. 

The door opened and Icarus walked into the room, a pair of black shorts covering his lower half and a towel draped around his neck. Sweat trickled down his sculpted torso and an unadulterated sultriness oozed from him that made Anaya's brain malfunction momentarily. She couldn't stop gaping at him.

"You look flushed. What's wrong?" He discarded the towel on the bed and sat down beside her, a concerned look on his face.

She rubbed her face with a heavy breath. "Just a strange dream."

"C'mere." He clasped her waist and pulled her into his lap. She accepted his embrace and wrapped her arms around his neck, her eyes zeroing on his abs. "Want to talk about it?" 

She shook her head, chewing on her lower lip. She didn't know how to explain it to him when she wasn't sure of what she saw. "Where were you?"

"In the woods for my morning run." 

"Oh." She watched his hands disappear under her T-shirt, stroking her inner thighs. Her head snapped up and she felt her stomach flip when she saw the look on his face. His eyes gleamed like sunlight, desire burning in them. At that moment, he leaned down and captured her lips. Fire erupted in her bones and she let out a soft moan, tangling her fingers into his hair to maneuver him closer. His hold around her tightened and he slowly laid her down over the covers, struggling for breath but reluctant to break the kiss. His fingers explored her curves and she let him consume her with the heat of his touch. She thought of the times when she wanted to be just friends with this man and cursed herself. How did she not see this coming? He was damn irresistible.

"Have breakfast with me," he whispered against her mouth, gazing into her eyes. She looked so beautiful underneath him, he found it hard to breathe. She cupped his cheeks and smiled, nodding and Icarus felt his heart soar with delight. She may not realize, but she held the power to knock him to his knees.

"You need a shower." 

"Are you implying you want to join me?"

She blushed and pushed him away, rolling out of the bed. "I'm going to shower in my room."

She quickly freshened up and chose to wear a blue layered dress, loving the intricate floral pattern that covered her neck and waist area. Her long hair was left open, cascading down her waist in soft waves. She checked her appearance in the mirror one last time and decided to leave her face makeup-free. After all, they were just going to eat and then visit his sister, Chloe. Slipping into her black chunky heels,  she made her way down the stairs. Her eyebrows furrowed when an empty dining hall greeted her. Icarus was always on time or early.

"Good morning, Luna," Lisa spoke softly, a warm smile on her face. "Alpha is waiting outside." 


"Morning, Lisa!" Anaya beamed, feeling a wave of excitement rush through her at the prospect of going out for breakfast with Icarus. Like a date, she thought to herself, a grin spreading across her lips but then she realized they didn't need to go on dates. She had already fallen in love with the man and she hoped he felt the same. "Thank you. I'll get going then." 

It was a warm day and the snow had melted to a large extent. She admired the tall trees that seemed to be touching the sky and the never-ending lush green grass that covered most part of the land. The road was clear unlike other days and Anaya's eyes landed on the black Porsche parked at some distance from her. She made her way to the passenger seat and Icarus pushed the door open from inside. 

She got in and fastened her seatbelt. "Let's go." The smile stayed on her face when she looked up at him but he didn't miss the way her eyes widened, obviously taking in his light blue shirt and dark slacks. He didn't like formals but he definitely wouldn't mind wearing them again and again for as long as she stared at him like he was a snack.

"Hot-" She cleared her throat and looked away, acutely aware of his eyes on her. "I mean you look nice."

He hid a smile. "So do you, sexy."

The engine roared to life and Anaya leaned back in her seat, feeling the breeze tickle her reddened face in a way that calmed down her racing pulse.

"Where are we going?"

"My favourite diner."

Soon enough, Icarus pulled the car to a stop in front of Cherry Hut. A diner whose name she'd never heard before. It belonged to the werewolf world. Two warriors came rushing to their sides, opening the door for them to step out. That's when Anaya saw the three black cars lined behind Icarus' car. She frowned and turned to him with a questioning look. "Are they security?"

"Yeah, I'm required to bring them with me if I'm visiting any place other than pack house or our home." He grumbled under his breath. Anaya felt warm all over, hearing him say home. She could get used to it. 

The glass door slid open automatically and Icarus held her hand in his, leading her inside. Heads swung in their direction and everyone straightened up, bowing down. Anaya swallowed. It felt foreign to receive such treatment. Her life had been unfortunate before to make her feel like this was all a dream. 

When Icarus nodded and said to rise, they looked up and smiled, adulation shining in their eyes. It made Anaya's heart swell up with pride, realizing this respect was out of love and not fear. Icarus must be a great king, and though she felt like she wasn't cut out to be a queen, she was going to give her best. She leaned to his side and smiled at the werewolves.

The warriors guided them to a table for two and pulled out their chairs, stepping back to stand around them like a brick wall. Anaya shifted in her seat, holding the menu card in tight fists.

"For fuck's sake!" Icarus growled, glaring at all of them when he noticed his mate's discomfort. "Go and have breakfast. I won't be attacked here." They looked at each other before nodding and disappearing out of his sight.

She relaxed in her seat and peered at him from above the menu, dropping it on the table when their eyes locked. She cleared her throat, looking anywhere but at him. 

Now or never.

"I'm ready."

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