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Happiness had always been an unrealistic concept, nothing but a hoax

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Happiness had always been an unrealistic concept, nothing but a hoax. There was room for other emotions, but the presence of happiness had been fleeting, if not non-existent. Anaya's smiles had been too wide to be real, practiced, hardly convincing whenever she saw herself in the mirror, but no one suspected because they chose to not look harder. They didn't care enough to soothe the pain in her eyes or ease her mind which frequently urged her to give up.

It wasn't like she hadn't tried to create her happiness, but her chaotic thoughts made sure to suck her into a state where over time, finding reasons to be happy felt like a chore she wasn't willing to do after a long day at work.

When Icarus dragged her into his life, not once had she imagined being a part of it, more so, she had never thought of feeling happy. But here she was, in a place that wasn't supposed to be real, but oh it was, as real as the love between her and Icarus. Her eyes danced with a light brighter than the sun, and laughter bubbled up from within her, pure and free. It caressed his soul in a way he couldn't help but crack a grin. God, the sight of her warm smile melted him.

"Stop!" She tried to roll away, but with him hovering over her and his fingers making her squirm, it was unlikely. "You need to rest, Icarus." Her voice sounded breathless as peals of laughter threatened to seize her once again.

"It's been three days." He frowned, loosening his hold around her waist. She took the moment to catch her breath while he continued to express his distress. "As the Alpha King, I have duties to perform."

She cupped his cheeks and gave a reassuring smile. "Your duties aren't pending. I have been doing them with Nick's assistance." She thought she could relieve him of some of his responsibilities now that she was the Luna of the Imperial Royale pack but gauging his intense stare, her smile faltered. "I should have asked you. I'm sorry for overstep-"

"Shut up." He shook his head and kissed her. "This, everything I have, is all yours. You don't need my permission, alright?"

She nodded, her eyes becoming moist. "I need to tell you something."

"Tell me what?"

Silence stretched over them as she swallowed the dryness in her throat. "The night after my coronation ceremony, Mason found a wounded werewolf outside the pack border. We brought her to the healers, but she...hasn't gained consciousness." The reality of the situation hit hard. Somewhere inside, she felt responsible for the incidents. She recalled the teenager's smile when she had held her hand and whispered everything would be okay. It was not okay. Despite the pain, she had worn an expression of hope, trusting her Luna to save her. It bruised Anaya every time she visited the hospital and found her in the same condition.

"Why was I not informed?"

"You were recovering, so I asked Mason to be quiet."

"Do you think I give a fuck about myself? I could heal her!" he growled, sounding more animal than human. He pulled away from her and ripped the bandage off his chest, grabbing the first pair of sweatpants and T-shirt he could find.

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