Chapter 64 - Tumble

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"If you could visit any place in the world... where would you go and what would you do there?" Elizabeth asked, she was shaking still and was growing even more worried that James appeared to be falling asleep.

She had already brought up going to a hospital and naturally he refused. Instead to keep him awake and conscious, they continued their question game.

"Easy... Niagara Falls.." he spoke softly.

"W-why?" She looked over at him, his eyes were closed. "It could be anywhere why there?"

A smile appeared on his lips, "my grandmother told me once.. she'd take me when I was younger." His eyes opened, looking out the rainy windshield. "She said ... if you listen closely to the falls, it's as though God is humming. She said it was a beautiful place to pray,"

He closed his eyes back up, "she died shortly after..."

Elizabeth looked over at him, his face appeared at peace when he spoke about her.

"There's so many questions I've asked and have not had a response to.. I thought maybe if I went there once I'd get my answers..." he grunted when she went over a bump.

"Sorry.." said Elizabeth with a gentle voice. The road was outstretched and the trees were tall and gloomy. It was taking a lot for the car to keep climbing up such a steep slope, her eyes darted to the dashboard. Soon they would run out of gas if they kept up like this. She looked over at him, his eye lids would start to flutter a bit and his head would sway to the movements of the car.

"It's fine, just keep driving. If you're tired let me know and we'll have ..." he felt as though he was drifting away for a bit.


As if things couldn't get any worse, Elizabeth spotted more flashing lights behind her. The sounds of their strong sirens rung loudly in her ears. For a second it was just one then two and a third patrols were on her tail.

"Sir, we spotted the car it's traveling down..." said one of the officers who had the car just a few feet in front of them; they contacted Victor over the radio informing him of the location. At this point Victor and his team were merely an hour or so away.

"Listen to me! You are to stop the car but by no means are you to put that girl in any danger do you hear? He is to be considered armed and dangerous." He radioed back.

"Roger that sir, we're right behind them,"

"When I get there I want no causalities do you understand?"

"Understood-....WOAH!" cried the patrol officer who immediately slammed the breaks when he noticed the car make a sharp right down the slope of the high hill terrain.

Zach looked over at Victor, his face was flushed with concern. So many things could go wrong and he would not be strong enough to face the idea if Elizabeth suffered the same fate as his sister.

"What?! What happened?!"

"The car just veered off the road... it's... it's headed down a slope! "

Victor slammed the radio back down in the dashboard, "FUCK!" and stepped on the gas, he had to get there he had to make sure everything would be okay, that no one would get hurt. He could not afford an outcome that resulted in Elizabeth's demise.

James had gripped on the wheel in a panic when he realized they were being chased, not realizing that they would be headed down hill, down a slope into the thick wooded area.

"JAMES WE'RE GOING TO HIT-" Elizabeth cried out, she attempted the steer the car but was unable to in time.  The car smashed into the thick trunk of a tree. The windshield glass shattered cutting their faces, Elizabeth hit her forehead on the steering wheel. A warm stream of blood oozed down her nose from the impact.

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