Chapter 7

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As soon as her eyes flew open, she jumped out of bed with inhuman speed. She jumped to the corner of the room, her back to the wall. As she crouched there in a defensive posture, she started growling.

It was a defense mechanism in the center of every vampire's being. Although older vampires learned to control their reactions, she was just a newborn, and she acted on instincts. She could sense there was someone else in the room, and that was her default reaction.

While she stood there growling, she tried to piece together who she was, and where she was.

"Easy, young one. You are safe. I mean you no harm." Tobias said, reassuringly.

"I know that voice, don't I?" she thought to herself.

"How can I know that voice but not know who I am!?" Cecilia panicked.

Even though she couldn't figure out who the voice belonged to, she trusted it. As a consequence, she managed to relax a bit and stop growling. Her back was still against the wall but her defense stance loosened considerably.

She decided to breathe deeply, to calm down and that is when she became aware of the fact that she didn't NEED to breathe.

"What am I?" She screamed, in a voice that wasn't hers.

It took her a second to realize that her pale hands were gripping the man's lapels, shocked, she let him go.

"Sorry." She said with the same unfamiliar voice as she took a step back from him.

His scent was a strange mixture of something too sweet and metallic, it was the smell of blood mixed with a scent that was uniquely his.

He didn't answer her question immediately. It seemed as if he was trying to find the best possible answer. An answer that wouldn't upset her too much.

As they stood there, she noticed that she could see all the details about him. Pale skin, short black hair, and amber eyes. She could see every minute pore, every line, every detail of not only him, but everything around her.

Her mind was buzzing with so much information that she didn't know where to turn or what to focus on. It seemed as if she could focus on everything at the same time.

"Wait a minute! This sounds familiar." She thought.

"Am I a vampire?" She asked out loud.

"Yes, you are." was Tobias' simple answer.

Although she already figured out the answer even before she asked, the finality of his answer made her sick to her stomach.

She remembered how often she watched vampire movies and wished she was like them; strong, powerful, immortal, all of those qualities sounded perfect to her. What she did not think about was the blood lust that came with the territory.

Even at that moment, she could feel the burning thirst, not only in her throat but in her whole body. Her body felt like a huge desert that craved for the precious liquid. It was painful how much she needed blood.

Instead of focusing on that, she tried to deal with her situation. She was surprised at how rational she was for a newly born vampire. In the movies, they were mostly uncontrollable monsters, acting purely on instincts. But there was something deep down in her blood that stopped her from being like that.

Tobias knew how she felt. He could still remember his transformation vividly, and he knew how confusing and painful it could be.

"Yet, I let her turn? What does that make me, a sadist? I just thought it would be such a waste to lose such a bright mind as hers." He thought.

For the truth was, he did know a bit about her since he heard the other vampires talking about her. Not able to resist, he did watch her a few times, and he could sense there was something different about her.

There was a spark in her mind that he couldn't watch being extinguished. He was not supposed to save her, it wasn't a vampire way. One vampire shouldn't interfere in another vampire's business no matter what it was. But he couldn't stop himself.

Maybe it was selfish, and maybe he just wanted to save her in any form possible. As he looked at her closely, while thinking about his actions, he noticed that her eyes were even redder than when she woke up, and she kept cupping her throat.

It was logical that she was thirsty, but he was afraid to leave her alone. Afraid that she might run away, which would be bad for both of them.

"Listen, I know you are thirsty, so why don't you just sit down and I will go and get you some blood." He said.

"What? You are going to fetch me a human to feed off? How nice!" she said sarcastically.

"No, of course not," he answered.

"I have some bags of blood in my fridge. Before you ask, no I didn't drain any humans, this is donated blood, so don't worry, no one died for this blood. Just, please, sit down because if you go out before feeding, you might kill someone." He explained.

Grudgingly, she agreed because she could feel that he was right. If there were any humans around, she would have attacked them immediately, bled them dry in seconds.

There was time to reconsider her options and whether she should leave or not. First, she had to feed. She was disgusted with herself, with what she became, but she knew she had to feed to be able to think.

Tobias soon came back with three bags of blood A positive, O positive, and AB. She barely had time to notice that, before ripping them out of his hands and biting into the first one.

Blood spattered all around the bed, but she didn't even notice. She sucked the bag dry and savagely bit into the second one, only feeling satiated after finishing off the third one.

Only then did she notice that she was covered in blood, so she started licking the blood off her hands as people licked melted chocolate, with utmost delight.  

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