Chapter 31

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Cecilia's point of view

I can't help but enjoy the crackling sound the vampires' bodies are making as they are slowly burning away. They got what they deserved for killing me, for killing and planning to kill and torture so many other humans.

But if I am enjoying this much in the sufferings of other living beings, what does that make me?

I don't have a lot of time to think about it as darkness is approaching me, trying to claim me. I fight through the darkness and finally, I can see a regular street with people going about their lives.

Something is off.

I don't know what, but there is a feeling deep down in my gut that is telling me that everything is not as it should be.

Something is wrong.

As I keep on walking, people keep smiling at me, but I don't feel reassured by their smiles as I should be. The smiles themselves don't seem genuine. It feels like they are trying to mimic the action they have seen on others and failing miserably. They do what is physically necessary to smile, but the emotional component is missing.

The smiles aren't real.

Something unnatural, otherworldly, is in the air, I can feel it, like a sixth sense. There are goosebumps all over my skin and a feeling of being enveloped in something disgusting, something evil. That is when the realization hits me, clearer than anything in my whole life had been.

I am in Hell.

The reason I have the feeling that people are acting weird is simple. They are acting strange. They are not humans at all. What they are is demons in human form.

I try to scream but nothing comes out.

The feeling of dread is overpowering and all I can do is stare at the demons as their masks of humanity start falling off. Before I get the chance to be savagely tortured by them, I can feel something wet dripping on my lips. It's so warm and comforting, so much so, that I have to have a taste.

As I lick my lips, I can feel my taste buds going in overdrive as the delicious spiciness mixed with the metallic taste of blood reaches them.

I stab my sharp fangs into the cold yet gentle flesh while my eyes simultaneously snap open. Although I can see what is happening, I have no control whatsoever over my rebellious body. Instincts must have taken over completely.

As I suck in the delicious blood, it warms up my dead body and I can feel my wounds slowly, but surely healing up.

I need to stop! This is enough! I feel better now!

Tobias, please stop me!

What are you waiting for!? Stop me!!!

Of course, nothing passes my lips. They are still fixed on his perfect skin like leeches. I am taking too much of his blood.

Why doesn't he stop me? Doesn't he know I can't stop?

The lights in his eyes are slowly dimming as I keep draining the life out of him.

I try to move, to regain control, but it's like there is a wall between my mind and my body. A wall that I can't tear down, no matter how hard I try. The only things that manage to go past the wall are my bloody tears that go unnoticed.

In the wake of his impending death, Tobias seems much more content than I have ever seen him before. He seems at peace.

How can he be so peaceful while the person whose life he saved is slowly killing him?

I don't want to be a monster!

Please don't let me become a monster like Stanton!

I want to be just like you, Tobias, a good vampire who tries to help out as much as he can. Please help me do that!

As I look into his eyes, I can see a rabid thing reflected in them and I refuse to accept the fact that it's me. It must be someone else. I couldn't be the one killing my friend, my protector, my...

His eyes are slowly fluttering and closing. I can feel that if I don't stop soon, he will be dead.

Suddenly, to my relief, two strong hands are pulling me away from Tobias. My mind is grateful more than I can ever describe, but my body has a completely different reaction. My body falls after she pushes me and it immediately crouches into a defensive crouch.

I know that it is just Helen and that she is doing me a favor, but my body doesn't seem to care. Although I don't want to attack her, I am aware that I am not the one behind the wheel of my own body.

"Cecilia, come on, take control of your body. You can do it! Remember our training. Step by step, take control of your cells, of your muscles, every part of your body big and small. Go past the instincts! Find yourself!" Helen says.

I try to do what she says, but it doesn't work, maybe I am too far gone. My only answer is an aggressive snarl.

Before I can fully understand what's happening, I crash into Helen with full force defending my prey. The need to keep my prey is stronger than anything.

I am a single-minded beast whose only focus is feeding, and she is trying to take that away from me.

She is trying to defend herself without returning the attack, and I can see that it is a challenge to stop my snapping teeth from reaching her skin without using full strength.

Tobias's eyes suddenly flutter open, slowly trying to focus on the scene before him. Our scuffle must have brought him back to consciousness.

"You are okay." He gently says as a lazy smile spreads across his face.

He doesn't seem to notice anything but the fact that I am okay. It's like his eyes don't even register that I am on Helen trying to rip her throat out. All he cares about is that I am safe.

There is so much worry and relief in his voice that I finally find my way out of the small space in my mind where I was thrown by my instincts. After all, it is the voice I was familiar with, the voice which meant safety and gentleness. I had to come back to it.

Finally, I am in control, but is it already too late?

"What have I done?" I ask no one in particular, as I let go of Helen moving to the other side of the room in a split-second.

I am afraid that my instincts might regain control, so I want to give her as much space as I can, while I can.

"Tobias I am so sorry. Are you okay?" I ask, fear coloring my voice.

"Don't worry about me, my darling. I am just fi..." He tries to say but collapses before he can finish his sentence.

"TOBIAS!!! Helen, please help him! I am begging you! " I scream.

I can see the blurry image of her going to help him, while tears start falling down my face in rivers.

Useless as I am, I start sobbing in despair.

I can't lose him. He will stay with me! It's not his fault! It's my fault! I should be the one suffering the consequences, not him!

Please don't let him die! I...I...can't imagine my life without him. He deserves to live a long and prosperous life, having in mind that he is the best vampire there is in the whole vampire society.

"Save him!" I say as unconsciousness takes me in its warm embrace.

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