Chapter 28

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The more Cecilia fed, the better she felt. She was immersed in the feeling of peace and euphoria, and she didn't want to let go of that wonderful feeling.

Letting go was an impossibility. She was no longer sure why she would even want to stop. The rush of energy was so much more than anything she had felt before.

Pure pleasure. That was the only way to describe it.

Then, a desperate voice cut through the rational part of her mind that was dormant. Something stirred deep down in her mind, but she couldn't let go of the sweet aroma flowing freely down her throat.

The words that were said were just a blur to her feed-frenzied mind.

Finally, one sentence managed to reach her.

"Please, my love, stop."

"Love? What is that? Aren't blood and fear all there is?" Cecilia thought as her conscious mind fought to override her instincts.

She should have lost the battle. That was expected of a newborn. However, step by step, her rational mind woke up from the deep slumber it was in.

"What am I doing?" She thought as she finally registered that her fangs were deep in a poor girl's neck and that streams of delicious blood were trickling down her throat.

"NO, NOT AGAIN!" she thought, disgusted with herself.

The girl was weak, but still alive and that was the first thing Cecilia registered.

Feeling a sense of relief, Cecilia stopped sucking her blood but didn't pull her fangs out of the girl's gentle neck. After a few seconds of getting her bearings, she pulled them out and coated the wound with her tongue, her saliva efficiently stopping the bleeding.

Distracted as the others were by the prospect of a hearty meal, and the mixed scent of blood and fear in the air, she was sure they couldn't sense the change in her. She needed time to get back to her old self and to think of a plan.

While she was contemplating that, the vampires got sick of desperate calls for her to stop emanating from Tobias, so they started torturing him. No matter how much he tried to stay quiet, from time to time, his screams escaped in a reflex that he couldn't control.

Cecilia could smell the scent of fresh blood, his blood.

The man who saved her was being tortured just because he was her friend because he loved her? Something snapped in her and pure rage took over.

Once more her rational mind took a backseat, and she was only an enraged newborn vampire. The murderous rage that overtook her, carried all her worries away, and she no longer feared failure.

Pure instinct made her speed over to where Tobias was and clutch the vampire who was torturing him. Without any hesitation, she tore off his head as if it was just a doll's head.

The vampire's body stood upright for a few more seconds after the decapitation, spurting huge amounts of blood. Then, it collapsed pouring more blood over the floor that was only a few moments ago perfectly white.

A growl of victory escaped Cecilia's mouth. They hadn't seen her on time. They didn't anticipate her moves. That made their fear and shock even more satisfying to her.

Two more nearby vampires started circling her, trying to corner her. They should have known better. They couldn't corner a young one.

She hit one of them so hard that he flew towards the opposite wall and slammed into it with a loud bang. The indentation on the wall spoke of the force that Cecilia was able to exert.

Stunned as he was, he wasn't fast enough to save the other vampire. Cecilia jumped on the second vampire tearing his throat out, enjoying the sensation of vampire blood on her lips. It was a bit spicier than she expected. Unfortunately for her, she didn't have the time to enjoy the flavor since others were stalking towards her.

She could see Stanton cowardly hiding behind the other vampires and her eyes became crimson red. He was going down, no matter what she had to do.

"It will be a bloodbath but slightly different from the one you planned," she thought.

As she thought that, she started spinning around hitting unsuspecting vampires or, biting pieces of their flash. She was a tornado of teeth and hands, which broke bones and tore the flash of its enemies.

It was clear that she couldn't very well kill them immediately, but she could incapacitate them and then burn their bodies.

At that time an idea occurred to her.

She ran at full speed to where Tobias was, releasing him from his bonds. Then, using a piece of torn cloth that she ripped off with the vampire's hand, she picked up the ropes.

"Holy water!" she said, with a grim smile on her face.

"Stand back!" she told Tobias.

As she dealt with a bigger group of vampires, he took it upon himself to incapacitate the smaller group. He did it by breaking their legs or their spines. The action didn't kill them but left them defenseless.

Cecilia used the rope soaked in holy water to strangle one vampire. There was a sizzling sound as the vampire's skin melted away until there was only a bone left with few strands of flesh holding on.

The thick smell of roasted meat filled the room, but all present were thoroughly disgusted. Even humans who had been tortured by those same vampires were disgusted by Cecilia's actions.

"Leave!" She growled at them, once she remembered they were standing there terrified by the spectacle.

Tearing someone's flesh and breaking bones was much more pleasurable than Cecilia assumed, and she despised herself for enjoying it so thoroughly. Nevertheless, she knew that it needed to be done. Being the one who made all the mess by the ridiculous plan for revenge she had to clean up after herself.

Still, she was appalled when she broke and tore one vampire's arm and used it to stab another vampire through the heart. It didn't kill him, but it slowed him down significantly.

When broken, radius and ulna (the arm bones) could be quite sharp and proved much more efficient weapons than she assumed when she reflexively used them.

Soon enough, she could smell smoke, and she could see that Tobias was burning the broken vampires, making sure they stayed dead. At that moment she couldn't help but appreciate him.

He was against all that bloodshed, but he still helped her out which was more than she could ask of anyone.

As she went through all the vampires one by one, every attack more gruesome than the previous one, she threw them to the burning fire, finishing them off. After some time, the only one left was Stanton.

"You shouldn't have been able to do that. Those were my best vampires," he said, for once panic clear on his face.

"Sorry, I am not sorry," Cecilia said, getting ready to attack.

Crouching low, she was fixating him with her eyes pulsating with rage and delight. Finally, the man who murdered her would be dead. Her death would be avenged, and she could live, well exist, in peace.

Her prey was stinking of fear, and she loved that finally their roles were reversed. Finally, she was the cat, and he was the mouse. The hunt would be the one she would never forget. She growled in anticipation as she pounced on Stanton.

If the old vampire had a trick up his sleeve or if she would win the battle was something Cecilia didn't know, but she was ready to find out.

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