Chapter 37

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After looking into Helen's eyes for a moment, stunned that Helen, the oldest vampire Cecilia knew, was begging her. It was such a strange situation to find oneself in.

However, from the whole story, Helen told her, there was one detail that nagged at her. She couldn't let it go.

"Wait a minute, who will be coming after us? Shouldn't we run immediately if there is someone after us? Why haven't we run, yet?" Cecilia asked.

It was apparent that she was worried sick and that she couldn't understand how they could seat chatting about the past, while there was danger looming over their heads.

"I bared my soul to you, so to say, and from everything that I have told you, that's the only part you heard?" Helen said.

She couldn't help but be annoyed with Cecilia.

Helen had never told her story to anyone, not even Tobias knew the whole story, and there Cecilia was, not even caring about the hell Helen went through, or what happened to Tobias, about why he should be forgiven.

"I am sorry. I heard you loud and clear, and I sympathize with you. Also, I am glad I can better understand you and your behavior. You just got me worried, I didn't know anyone was coming after us.

As for Tobias, you have nothing to worry about, I would never break his heart. From the moment he finished his story, I was ready to accept him for who he is now. However, I don't think he would have believed me if I didn't accept his offer to think it through. He has too much self-hate to notice that others don't hate him.

I let you tell the story of your life because I was curious. I wanted to understand you better, not because I had any doubts about Tobias, but just because I couldn't understand you. One moment you were helpful, the next you let me kill a human then you are helping again." Cecilia said.

For a moment Helen was furious. She told the girl her bigger secrets, and she didn't have to. Still, she respected Cecilia for being brave enough to admit that. Helen understood curiosity better than anyone.

When she first became a vampire, her natural curiosity almost doubled and there wasn't a place in her area that she didn't explore or vampires she didn't know everything about.

Soon enough, she released the anger because she knew that if she was in Cecilia's shoes, she would have wanted to know more about the people who presented themselves as her friends.

Now that all was out in the open, maybe Helen and Cecilia would manage to have a better relationship, to become friends even.

"You can't kill a bunch of vampires and get away with it," Helen said.

Although she wanted to say much more, she restrained herself, knowing that getting angry at Cecilia would be contra-productive.

After all, they had more pressing matters to worry about, such as the Vampire Council.

Being comprised of centuries-old vampires, it didn't make the council very forgiving even if there were good reasons for one's actions.

"We haven't run yet, because you and Tobias were in no shape to go anywhere, but we will have to leave. Soon.

You see, I have a lot of connections in the vampire world, so I managed to keep this quiet for the time being. I mean, Stanton and his clan were never friendly, so it wasn't too difficult to convince people that they left on a new, exciting hunt.

It helps that they did that from time to time, so no one bats an eye when they leave their offices for an exciting hunting trip. However, they will figure it out soon enough. We will probably have to leave in a little while.

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