Chapter 47

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While Helen was hurrying back, she couldn't help but wonder if once again they would become so consumed with each other that they would not sense the danger that was approaching them. The threat that Helen judged to be much greater than a few measly humans with pitchforks. An experienced well-controlled vampire was obviously behind it all, but Helen didn't think the Vampire Council had found them, not yet.

As the options swirled through her head, Helen reprimanded herself for choosing to be sentimental rather than practical. It wasn't smart to leave them all alone when they were on the run and in permanent danger, and yet she did so to let them have some privacy.

"You emotional fool!" Helen reprimanded herself angrily.

Many things were said about the Great Huntress, but that she was emotional wasn't one of them, so it came as a surprise to herself that she would exhibit such unwanted trades. Now those very trades could cost her one good thing she had in her life, one person she wanted to protect more than anyone else.

Even before reaching the house, Helen could hear the sounds of commotion, the sounds that could only mean that a fight was already at hand. With all that she had Helen hoped that she wasn't late, that her first mistake in a long time didn't cost her more than she was ready to pay.

Once Helen was able to see what was happening, she was appalled to notice that the humans seemed to know what they were doing which managed to catch Tobias by surprise. It was as if they knew they were dealing with vampires and exactly what to do to stop them.

One of the humans had managed to wrap something around Tobias' neck, something that burned his skin more than anything should be able to do except for the holy water. It was like her worst nightmare was coming true in front of her very eyes and for a split-second Helen, the Great Huntress of her tribe froze.

To her utter relief, Helen saw Cecilia quickly disposing of the human she was fighting against and jumping the one attacking Tobias. Even though he was armed with holy water, Cecilia didn't hesitate, she jumped on that human's shoulders, and the next thing Helen knew Cecilia ripped the human's head off and tossed it to the side, blood spurting like a fountain.

The strange thing was that even though there was delicious, fresh blood all around her, Cecilia hurried to pull off the material that was hurting Tobias burning her hands in the process. If she was ever unsure of Cecilia before, all her doubts were dispersed by that action. Cecilia was worthy of Tobias and Helen promised herself that she would do anything to keep the two of them alive.

Soon enough, she made true on her promise by slaughtering the humans that started surrounding Tobias and Cecilia with different types of vampire-hurting things.

However, those didn't help them survive Helen's attack since before they even had the chance to register what was happening they were lying down on the ground their dead eyes staring into nothingness.

Helen loved the taste of blood and feeding was something she thoroughly enjoyed, even from live food sources. However, she refused to be tempted by the blood of foul beings who dared attack Tobias, who dared attack both of them. It felt to her like taking in their blood would be contaminating herself with filth and cowardice.

Luckily for her, she could be an efficient killing machine when she wanted and her blood-lust was in her control like it hasn't been ever before.

Soon enough, all the humans who dared attack them were lying in the pool of their blood but Helen knew it wasn't over. The Great Huntress could always feel when she was the one being hunted and what helped confirm that was a new scent that permeated the air, a scent of a vampire.

Although it wasn't anyone she knew, Helen couldn't help but feel as if there was something vaguely familiar about the scent. As if she had sensed faint traces of it before but even her vampire mind couldn't process such minute traces of scent memory.

Both Cecilia and Tobias seemed to have recovered from the burns caused by the holy water, and who knew what else. From their body posture, it was obvious that they could sense what was coming as well. They were prepared for a fight because from what had happened before it was clear that the approaching vampire meant them harm. That it tried to use the weak humans to do its bidding was low even by vampire standards.

"Well well. So much for the clans who never kill humans," a female voice brimming with laughter said.

"I thought you were the more 'friendly' vampires, the ones determined to preserve humankind, not to hurt them. I guess I was wrong. But again what could I expect from the lowlifes who dared murder their own in cold blood for no reason at all," the female vampire said.

The moment she came into sight, Helen was ready to attack. However, as she was judging the best approach, having in mind Helen didn't know how old or well-trained the vampire was, the said vampire spoke up.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. You see, I didn't come here alone. I brought a few humans with me. I am sure you wouldn't like to see them hurt," she said.

As she said that, some of her human cohorts came forward pushing ahead of them three terrified humans. Helen had no idea who the humans were and why their presence should stop her, but one look at Cecilia's and Tobias's faces told her not to attack, that they cared about the humans in front of them.

"Mom! Dad! Dru!" Cecilia exclaimed.

However, it seemed as if her family didn't recognize her vampire self and it was obvious to Helen that it broke Cecilia's heart. To have one's own family look at you like they didn't know you seemed to be a fate worse than death because in death there was no more pain, just a cessation of everything, but this way Cecilia's suffering continued.

"Haha, even your own family doesn't recognize the monster you have become. Look at what your precious daughter did to these poor humans who did nothing to her," the vampire said.

Cecilia's human family seemed horrified and unable to process that it was truly Cecilia that they saw, even less that she was the one responsible for the mayhem in front of her very feet. It was as if their brains were glitching, unable to accept the truth.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this? What have I ever done to you?" Cecilia screamed at the vampire.

"Who am I?! I am the vampire whose life you have destroyed, whose dreams you have crushed in cold blood! My name is Anja. Do you want to know why I am doing this? Do you want to know? Revenge! That is why I am here today. You have taken from me everything I have ever had, and I am here to return the favor! Unless..." Anja said.

"How have I destroyed your life? I have never done anything to you." Cecilia said.

"Think, you, stupid newborn! Haven't you done anything to anyone? Why are you on the run?" Anja asked.

It seemed to dawn on Cecilia what Anja meant, and it caused her features to change to those of horror.

"You said you would take from me everything I have unless...?" Cecilia asked.

"Unless you come with me voluntarily, and let me torture you to my heart's content, of course," Anja said.

Her words were followed by a stunned silence. It seemed as if the small house itself was stunned by what Anja was asking of Cecilia. Not a single insect or animal moved while Cecilia processed the information, while the decision was being made.

"I will come," Cecilia said.

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