Chapter 33

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Next time Cecilia opened her eyes, she wasn't sure whether it had been a day or months since she was awake the last time. Her body was well-rested, but still not as strong as a vampire's body should have been, nevertheless, it was a vast improvement to how it was.

Although her senses were a bit dulled from the blood loss she had suffered, she could sense another presence in the room. The presence wasn't Tobias' since the emotions emanating from it weren't friendly ones.

"Helen?" Cecilia asked to make sure.

Suddenly from one of the shadows in the corner of the room, Helen emerged. She had a wild look about her that Cecilia had never seen before, and that scared her.

" he..." She asked quickly.

"He is fine. But not thanks to you. You. Almost. Murdered. Him." Helen spat out.

"I know, I am so sorry," Cecilia said, the strength of her guilt almost crushing her dead heart.

"Sorry doesn't bring people back from the dead. You are lucky I got here on time. I want you to know one thing. If he had died, you would have been dead now, too. Your head would be rolling seconds after his existence stopped. Are we clear?" Helen asked.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Cecilia said honestly.

Her answer surprised Helen and made her stop for a second, but soon enough, she was able to continue grilling the young vampire.

"If you ever hurt him again, I can't guarantee what I would or wouldn't do to you. He is about to open up his heart to you, to put it in your hands, don't you dare crush it!

If you can't handle the truth, tell him so gently, but don't you dare hurt his feelings. You have already caused him enough pain, you can at least spare his feelings. I can't order you to accept him, but I am demanding of you to have an open mind and gently tell him if you can't bear the truth. Can you at least promise me that?" Helen asked.

"I promise," Cecilia said.

There was no hesitation in her answer, and Helen could sense her sincerity. It was enough for her to partially relax. Whatever happened next, she knew that she did all in her power to protect Tobias. That was all she could do. She could only try her best, she couldn't protect him from all the evils of the world.

No matter how much she felt responsible for his pain, she knew she couldn't keep him away from any possible pain that a grown, independent vampire, might face. It made her feel a bit better seeing that no matter what Cecilia's instincts made her do, she still cared deeply for Tobias.

It was still unsure if her emotions were deep enough for her to deal with his truth but there was nothing Helen could do about that.

After making sure that they were on the same page, Helen left Cecilia's room, leaving the young vampire in deep contemplation.

After some time, Cecilia could hear the shuffling of feet and by the fact that she could hear that, she knew it was Tobias coming her way.

It pained her to hear that he hadn't yet regained his vampire speed and stealth.

When he entered her bedroom, she felt a bit better because he looked more like his old self than the last time she had seen him. Of course, his face was still pale, but in a normal, vampire way, not the strange leathery way it was before.

His general appearance was that of someone who hadn't slept well and was a bit worse for wear, but nothing more serious than that.

As he slowly approached her bed, she could see that his eyes were in more pain than she could comprehend. It wasn't the physical pain he was struggling with, but an emotional one brought on by his retelling of the past.

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