Chapter 52

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Helen was worried more than ever before. It had taken her much longer to get rid of the rest of the vampires, even with her secret ally by her side. She was anxious about Tobias and, surprisingly enough, about Cecilia as well. No matter how jealous she sometimes was of the girl, she never wished her any harm.

The reason she was so worried about their well-being was the fact that she knew Tobias. He was always the one who avoided any type of violence, and she knew how difficult it was for him to hurt any creature on the planet. After all, he was the reason they weren't murdering humans. He insisted they used only donated blood.

It seemed as if his prerogative was saving human lives and that was odd for a vampire.

If she was being honest with herself, Helen didn't like that, but she felt she owed him that much for being unable to stop him from murdering his wife.

Still, from time to time, her predator side would come out to play, and she would go on a little 'trip'. Tobias never realized that those were hunting trips, and she never planned on telling him.

After all, every woman had the right to have a few secrets that were her own, something she shared with no one.

Suddenly, one of her secrets snapped her out of her lighting fast contemplation.

It was so strange for her to see him again. After all the time that had passed, after all the pain he had caused her, he still came through when it mattered the most. He turned on his clan, for her, and Helen had no idea what it all meant.

Having no time to think it through, she hurried towards the place Tobias' scent was coming from, but before she could reach it, she saw Tobias approaching them. Cecilia was gently cradled in his arms, and she looked barely there, barely existing which for a vampire was quite rare.

"Is she okay?" Helen asked.

"She is far from okay, but she will be. Do we have any blood?" Tobias asked.

"Well, there are some supplies on the ship, but there is one of the humans who betrayed you right there, I thought you might want to deal with him yourself," Seymour said.

To Helen's surprise, Tobias carried Cecilia towards the cowering human with determination in his eyes. There was a certain predatory look about him that Helen had never seen before. It came as a complete surprise to her.

"You are to cut your wrists now and let my love feed on you until you die," Tobias said matter-of-factly.

His voice was cold-blooded, void of any emotion. It gave Helen a strange sense of unease hearing him say that. For more years than she was willing to count, she had been the cruel one. It was unnerving to see their roles reversed. She was not sure what she should do.

If she were to stop him, Cecilia would die. However, if she didn't stop him he would spend the rest of his life hating himself, trying to reconcile with the demons that resided in his soul. She wanted to save him from suffering, but she knew that was impossible, he would get hurt either way.

Finally, she decided to let him do it because, in the long run, she knew Cecilia was more precious to him then his sanity, and he would never forgive her if she were to die. Helen was sure that he would be insane with guilt once he came back to himself, but it would be even worse if Cecilia was to die.

Still, it pained her to consciously let him go against everything that he believed in, everything he was. It was clear to Helen, even when he was still just a human being attacked by vampires that he was anything but normal human. There was something about him, something the tales told of, the type of humanity that transcended human nature.

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